User reviews/opinions of GUI

Just completed a totally painless re-registration (thank you) and as part of it a suggestion on the registration page to put in a review supporting it. So I did.
Would it be fair to say, for all you other long term Avast users, that you come to like the interface and configurability options after a time? (Or straight away, as I did.)
Of all the comments I read on other forums concerning Avast, about the only negatives I see are about the interface. (Which means that’s the only thing folk can find to complain about.)
Whadya think?

I like a lot Interface(with a lot of skins) and configurablity.
I love Avast.

I have always liked the interface (especially when I used other skins, avist by SCZ my favourite) but more so the flexibility and configurability.

There are some things that could be reorganised I believe, but overall they are (IMHO) minor issues.

I agree with you, I really like the interface, and the aVist-skin looks great!

I like a lot Black Vibe

I like avast’s interface. I have read a review or two saying the avast interface does not seem “professional,” but I suspect those reviewers have not given it a thorough look. Although the “simple user interface” is quite simple and easy to use without making a mess of things, the less simple features are readily available for those with more knowledge and/or access to help (like the avast forums). I was not sure about it at first, but quickly came to appreciate the flexibility and configurability, and the various skins as well.

Also, navigation is relatively easy to explain by telephone to my elderly mother. And my daughter, who describes herself as “computer stupid,” finds avast’s interface intuitive and intends to replace her current AV (a gift with her new computer) with avast as soon as her subscription expires.

Thanks for the replies, folks, confirms what I thought, and I agree.
Also validates what I put in my review at Cnet… should really have done a bit of polling first and wrote the review second, but I was reasonably sure. :wink:

tls…let me guess, your daughters’ computer came bundled with Norton?
I uninstalled that well before the subscription was up. Too many problems.
If it is, make sure she uses the Norton uninstall tool available from the Symantec website to finish off the uninstall.

Thanks, Tarq57. Actually, her computer (laptop) came with two years’ worth of Trend Micro added as a gift. She knows better than to keep Norton on her computer, after having her old one re-formatted to get rid of it. I uninstalled NIS from this computer one month into a year susbscription and happily paid for avast pro, which I just renewed. (Avast home is on my mother’s computer and my daughter’s old one, which is now my backup.)

Norton: Cumbersome interface, slow or frozen computer, horrible support.
Avast: Great interface, fast computer (considering its limitations), great support.