I have tried to find an email to contact Avast directly since I don’t have time to spend on the phone waiting and waiting. Several users have told me that they can not access my site because Avast is blocking it. No other malware software blocks my site. I have had Wordpress, Dotster, and Google check my site and nothing has come up. Everything is clean. What can be done on my end to allow my readers to access my site? www.thewaytohisheartblog.com
Sucuri give this warning http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/www.thewaytohisheartblog.com
if you think the avast block is wrong, report it here http://www.avast.com/en-no/contact-form.php
Hello and welcome to the Forum!
You can report a possible false positive here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php
thanks so much! Besides fixing some broken links from user comments there is nothing wrong with my site. I will fill out that false positive form!