Using Avast with Windows SP2 Security features on.

I have just begun using Avast home ed. Also, I have just now installed SP2 on this laptop, which runs XP Home. Should I shut off the virus protection in Windows Security center (would it interfere with Avast?)? And what about the firewall? --I feel more certain about that; I will leave it on.

You shouldn’t have to disable anything on Security Center to use avast.
On contrary, SC should detect avast! and monitors it 8)

Oh, which firewall do you use? SC control should be enabled too.

I meant the firewall in SC. Thanks. I will leave it all running.

Me too… Do you use Windows Firewall?

Oh. Yes, I meant Windows Firewall. Sorry

If you haven’t got a third party firewall then keep XPs firewall on, it is better than none as it doesn’t provide full outbound protection.

I suggest you try one of the freeware firewalls that have been discussed many times in the forums (forum search for firewall, etc.), Zone Alarm is a user friendly interface for the unfamiliar user.