utorrent gives adwares and spywares

In Windows XP utorrent gives lot of adwares & spywarebt avast can’t stop them. whenever we scan PC it shows lots of Adwares & Spywares!!! why avast! let them enter in my pc!! What is the Advantage of avast!! ???

utorrent was not enabled by default into P2P provider due to it’s impact on performance. utorrent open/close the file each time it reads it and avast has to scan it…
Can’t you set ashQuick.exe to scan the finished downloaded file as into eMule?
Can you send some samples of non-detected malware to virus (at) avast (dot) com and help improving detection? Thanks.

ashquick.exe or emule checks only when download completes but when utorrent downloading that files it gives so many adwares n spywares which are only detected when I scan my pc.
avast! can’t stop them to enter in my PC. !! :-X

What is detecting the adware and spyware ?

Can you give some examples of the adware/spyware, file name, location, and the malware name ?

If it wasn’t avast that detected them then you should send samples to avast after confirming the detections are good at virustotal.

it detects all adwares n spyware bt how they all enter in my pc?
avast have P2P shield, then hw it happens?

Did you enable the scanning of the utorrent into avast P2P provider? Is that option checked?

yes its checked, bt it can’t stop then. after some days it shows me that i hv lot of adwares!!
my friend have windows VISTA , no adware enters in his pc, he also uses avast!
is there any fault in operatin system?
or avast have low p2p security?

Are you sure they have come with utorrent and not for you to being browsing elsewhere?

XP and Vista are protected the same.

Not a software is perfect, and maybe, maybe, some virus pass through avast protection. P2P or browsing. I suggest full computer on-line scanning:
Kaspersky (very good detection rates)
Trendmicro housecall
BitDefender (free removal of the malware)

Windows VISTA have more security than Windows XP, i am sure that adwares are come by utorret only, avast detects virus if any bt not any adware. shows adwares only after scaning. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was talking about avast protection, i.e., avast protects XP and Vista the same.

but in windows vista avast detects no adwares , in windows XP no. of adwares are detected by avast! only when a proper scanning is done! >:(
why avast! can’t stop them to entering in my pc??
is there any problem or bug in avast that it can’t stops adwares coming from uTorrent??

If it is checked to be scanned, like you’ve said before, I think the answer would be on the virus signatures… can avast detect them while you’re scanning that files?

yes avast! detects them when adwares feel my pc like there home!! it donot stop them while they enter in my pc. avast have to warn me when adware enters in my pc!! 8)