VBS:Trojano-436 - what is this?

avast report a virus: Sign of “VBS:Trojano-436 [Trj]” has been found in “C:…\profile\cache4\0LQ3Q.htm” file.

What form of virus is this? ??? No Virus-database has a description of this virus :slight_smile:

Also the avast-Site has no description?

Thanks for a hint.

Althoufh there isn’t an international convention for virus names, some virus names and lists could be found here: http://www.virusbtn.com/resources/vgrep/

Other solution is Google 8)


this is a trojan, or rather an Exploit written in VisualBasicScript (VBS):

  • make sure that you update & secure your Browser

  • update your JAVA-Virtual machine & use SUN’s JAVA instead of the unsafe Microsoft-JAVA_VM

  • apply all Windowsupdates

  • work through the link “VirusRemoval” below in my sig, and follow the steps there to secure your system better