vdrb i looked cant find it how to turn it om

sorry if this has been answered before

What is your OS ?

There should be an ] i icon on your system tray, right click on that and select Generate Now. That will generate the first VRDB generation, following that you can choose how it should run after that. You can select to have it run whilst the screen-saver is running or when the system is idle. The default duration is 21 days so every 21 days it should start another generation.

thank you i never use screen saver so idle will do

sp home

No problem, glad I could help.

The question about your OS is critical to how the VRDB works or doesn’t work (automatically) ?

Welcome to the forums.

Idle should work in any operational system.
By default, VRDB is generated each 21 days, but you can chose to ‘generate it now’.