Vendors find ways around XP Cutoff Date

Wow, I love how much resistance there is to Vista! Also proved by Apple’s Quarterly results that were announced this week :wink:

Funny thing… it happened yesterday… I finally decided to go back to XP. Enough of this new and improved “OS” on my laptop (which actually came with Vista preinstalled on it)

EDIT: Just wanted to add… this what SONY, HP and DELL are doing is not resistance to something new (learning curve is not an issue with Vista since there is really nothing new to learn, some things are just rearranged nothing else, mostly cosmetic crap), it is resistance to something bad and something that does not work properly. That’s the main reason so many people returned their systems with Vista preinstalled, and many just requested money back for the OS they paid for so they can use that same money to buy legitimate version of XP.

Welcome home Sash to XP Pro we can feel your pain and hope to restore XP as long as possible IF everybody can help and KILLED Vista.

There will be much resistance from me I’m in no rush to Vista and will stick with XP Pro whilst it has security update support (which it has for years to come).

My only concern was as an when I replace this long in the tooth home built PC (which is more than functional) is/was the difficulty in avoiding Vista and getting another XP Pro system.

However, should I build another system actually getting XP Pro without buying a system with it pre-installed is still difficult. Hopefully before this all comes to a head then perhaps Windows 7 might not be too far away.

And let’s hope Windows 7 (or whatever it’s going to be called, Windows Phoenix maybe ?) will address and most important, fix everything Vista with even SP1 installed couldn’t have fixed… to tell the truth, I did not notice a single thing improved with this SP1, OK maybe speed of file copy procedure is improved a bit, but that’s about it. Funny thing is MS jumped onto developing brand new OS in such a short period of time after Vista was released, does not that tells us something ? They knew Vista is destined to go into oblivion, and yet they still claim it is error free… 2+2 simply is not 5 and it will never be.

I don’t think you will find many retail/consumer product Companies telling the truth (or rather releasing other than marketing material), without first have had some journalist having made some discoveries. It is not so much telling the truth, but not saying anything as that could well hurt their market share, etc. and MS is no different to many other companies in that respect.

So I think we have to take all things marketing with a healthy pinch of salt. Don’t jump on the bandwagon as an early adopter and wait for the journalist and user reviews to hit the streets and then make your decision to jump or hold back.

I did not notice a single thing improved with this SP1,

That answers my question regarding sp1. When asked about vista, I always said wait for the first SP. I remember xp before the first sp. Slow, lots a crashes. Use it occasionaly now with sp2 and it is a world of difference. Sp1 was also a big inprovement. Judging from n00b t00’s comment sp1 didn’t help.

Gald I waited, as you can see I’m not really one for rushing into upgrades. ::slight_smile:

I don’t know you rushed right in to win98se ;D heck it is only eight/nine years old (can’t recall when it was released) barely mature ;D

Not meaning to hijack this thread, but this may have relevence. People sometimes jump at the upgrades a bit too soon. When things aren’t quite so rosey, they get upset.

I on the other hand, tend to take things a little more slowly. Let the ones who just have to have the newest, also be the guinea pigs. That way I can sit back and wait for a very good OS and miss the @#$%$ ones.

I started with Vic20 and commodore 64, make a huge leap to win3.1. Preferred the dos though. Next was 98se. So far my stategy has paid off. No 95 or me. I think in a couple of years xp will be ready for me to venture to.

I wish to thank all of you beta tester for testing xp and vista and for keeping me up to date on them.

I don’t think I personally rushed into anything (in the same time I know many who really rushed ;D )… in my case it was simply a necessity. My laptop came with Vista preinstalled, so I had no choice. I did not rush upgrading to SP1, I simply couldn’t wait for SP1 to come out. MS was loudly promising SP1 is going to fix all those problems… my productivity was suffering, so naturally I hoped like many others, this thing will fix at least some crucial points in Vista. I really did not have anything to lose, Vista wasn’t working anyway. Spot on that screenshot that my laptop is Intel Duo 2 Core, 4 Gb DDR2, great video card installed, pretty large HD, I maintenance it super duper… still, nothing helps when you run this ^%@^%$@ OS.

I simply can’t explain how happy I am with XP Pro now… I have never thought in my wildest dreams that downgrading is actually going to make me happy… downgrading to older OS equals upgrading to better OS in this case. XP literally runs in speed of light.