Dear support. Ive installed the anti theft rootet version. After message setup is downloading installation package i have receivee an error message "verbindungsfehler: failed to connect to (port 443) after 50000 ms. In another post it was discussed that the the rootet version will no longer be available. Please make the server online, i’ve paid the premium version. Of course, i used it already for 1 year but after a hardware reset i have to re-install it. The none rootet version is not sufficient. Regards joe
The problem is at avast’s end and already known.
They are already working on it.
This may work :
- Disconnect the device from your account.
- Wait a few hours.
- Connect the device to your account again.
I am also facing same issue presently.
Is there any solution available for this?
Même problème…
Si j’ai payer pour Avast c’est aussi pour la version root!!