Yesterday on 6-30-2019 our computer locked up with its 1TB memory storage capacity exceeded. I was able to locate a 463GB temp file in the AppData/Local/avast folder named unp3EDA.tmp that had been downloaded on 6-30-2019. I deleted this file and the computer was able to restart. What caused this large file to be downloaded?
This unp3EDA.tmp file is I believe a downloaded file (not necessarily of the same name) being scanned in the avast. On successful completion of the scan this temp file should have been deleted.
Was there any large file download going at that time ?
I’m not aware of any other downloads at the same time. Just the one file that was 463GB. This was the only file I deleted.
If you happened to be downloading a zip/compressed file that would be unpacked in this temporary Avast location, so the total size could be very large. That said 463GB is absolutely massive even if it happened to be an archive file.
As an Avast user, I’m at a loss as to what it might be, it certainly isn’t normal and I personally haven’t come across it on my installations nor seen an instance like this (to my knowledge) in the forums.
As David said, it’s certainly not normal. If you were able to reproduce this issue, I would really like to see the Process Monitor log - that should tell us more about why it was created.
But if it was a one-time thing, it’s really hard to say more.