Very Slow Backup

Trying to Backup(supplied XP SP3 Backup software) Everything and it is taking a lot longer than I remember it doing before I installed Avast Pro.

Could this be caused by Avast and if so is there a setting I should try to speed things up? I did “Stop On-Access Protection.” Thanks for the help. Dale

Which sensitivity had you set for Standard Shield? High or Normal?
You can even reduce protection and increase performance (without disabling all the antivirus) by disabling scanning of open/created/modified files.

  1. Normal

  2. But the problem was not with AVAST. On my backup external hard drive there was a file that was corrupted or whatever because when I deleted it the Everything backup occured in less than an hour which is fast enough for me.

  3. How do I “disabling scanning of open/created/modified files”? Something like this was what I assumed might help but I am having difficulty using the AVAST instructions.

Thanks for the help. Dale

I see… why don’t you run a scandisk in this drive?

Left click the ‘a’ blue icon. Expand the options in the Details button.
Choose the Standard Shield at right and click Customize button.
Scanner (Advanced) options.
Remember that you’re decreasing protection to gain in performance.