About three weeks ago, my PC (XP SP3) started stopping and being very slow to start. In the end, it got so bad that I just bit the bullit and reinstalled XP on a formatted drive.
About a week ago, it all started again. Sometimes in Windows Explorer, the whole PC just stops responding. No messages or anything else. Nothing works. Usually after waiting 5 or 10 minutes (just in case?) I reboot and everything is OK again.
But every time I reboot, it takes well over 5 minutes before I can actually use the PC. So I downloaded Microsoft BootVis. And this is what it showed…
In the “Driver Delay” section, aswmon2.sys started at about 33sec, and continued until 329sec, which is almost 6minutes. At about the same times, another file fltmgr.sys also runs.
Apparently, fltmgr.sys is a Windows file and aswmon2.sys is an Avast file. Does anyone know why either or both these files could cause the startup time to be so long?
.NET Framework 4 causes XP to freeze every time you install any updates for .NET Framework. If you have it installed, reboot. When you get the desktop, open the Services dialog if possible and look for .NET Framework 4 Ngen. In the Status column, see if it says “Starting.” If so, that’s at least part of the boot problem. After 2-3 minutes you should be able to right-click the service and stop it manually. There’s a workaround but it’s complicated and a royal pain. I’d just uninstall .NET Framework 4 on XP. If you don’t have .NET Framework 4, then I don’t know, that’s all I can think of right now.
Edit: If you wanna see if it’s Avast causing it, temporarily disable the self-protection module in Settings>Troubleshooting. Then temporarily disable the Avast service from the Services dialog, reboot and see what happens. A word of warning though, you’ll be unprotected when you do this unless you have something else in place.
Hi Marziano_mork
I have checked the “Load Avast after…” but it didn’t make any difference.
Hi Norel
I don’t have access to anything at all while XP is booting. As far as .NET goes, I have the following versions installed. 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0.
BootVis still reports aswmon2.sys and fltmgr.sys both doing something for nearly 6 minutes. The strange thing is that while these two files are “running”, NOTHING else is happening. No CPU activity (except very small blips about once per second?), and no disk activity either.
I can’t find anything constructive about fltmgr.sys, but I think I might have to reluctantly uninstall Avast, or perhaps try and go back to a previous version?
I have also disabled the Self-protection but it was still the same slow boot.
When my PC has finally started, there are no obvious problems. Avast updates itself periodically as usual, and everything else runs as they should.
Googling “fltmgr.sys” leads to many boot up time lags & BSOD related to it, seemingly most likely from it being corrupted according to what I managed to cursorily look at.
One solution seemed to be going back to a previous restore point, which you kind off have done already terrymold.
If not too many other people have had this problem then it is most likely something else on your system or things that are getting on your system - best check more what those " fltmgr.sys" issue causes might be, but hopefully someone might provide more advice here, if you’re lucky.
OTOH, it would be nice to know why aswmon2.sys is also somewhat involved too.
One other approach to try terry might be to fiddle with the different shield settings in Avast! too and the level of sensitivity you employ for each and if you choose to ‘Scan all files’ & packers etc.
Personally, I find the File Shield with higher than default settings and with a tick in the checkbox to ‘Scan all files’ when opening really slows down my Windows 7 system responsiveness as they warn you, for a relative example, but for a hint of a definite one; after I just updated to Avast! 7 the next start-up/re-boot took an unknown several number of minutes, after which I jigged with Avast! and now things are fine… AFAIK!
In addition to the suggestions already posted, you may also want to see what you have for Start up and “Disable” any unnecessary" items that are not essential to speed things along.
When was the last time you cleaned your machine with something like CCleaner – a free system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. There is a Slim version available as well at http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds – 4th option down. It removes unused files (cache, temporary Internet files, etc.) from your system, allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner.
Also, defragging your machine may help your machine run faster as well. Many here use Defraggler http://www.piriform.com/defraggler, but there are others out there as well.
How much RAM do you have on your machine?
Let us know if any of these suggestions help you. Thanks.
Hi terrymold.
I’m running Windows 7 Pro 64bit SP1 with Avast 7
and my pc take so long to start up every time I take a coffee break.
Seriously, I hope Avast developers will solve this problem in a future update.
I have something similar.
Using Bootvis: fltmgr.sys and aswmon2.sys start approximately 24 secs after switch-on and end at 77 secs.
aswsp.sys starts approximately 35 secs after switch-on and ends at 76 secs.
My computer: XP SP3; 2.80 GHz Pentium 4; 2 GB RAM. Avast! 7.0.1451.
Whilst it would be nice to have a faster boot-up, I am prepared to live with this. I only write in the hope that it provides useful info.
There are many variables in why your machine starts up as quick/slow as it does. Some of it can be what is also starting up at the same time you boot the machine (example firewall or other security software or system software), the amount of memory in your machine, etc. You can do through the steps listed above to disable items that are unnecessary in your start up, clean your machine. If you still feel things are too slow, you may want to consider adding more memory, deleting files on your machine that can be moved to removable devices (example pictures, music, documents, etc.), and clean and defrag your machine again.
I would just like to verify that I noticed a longer delay on the welcome screen also. (but not as long as the op). I have xp-3 with i gig ram and only four items in my sartup menu.