Video interview with Ondrej Vlcek (Vlk)

On the Avast! blog there is a link to an interesting video interview with Ondrej Vlcek, the CTO of Avast!, about Avast! 6, malware analysis and more :slight_smile:

Avast! blog :

Interview :

Thnx to Julia for publishing it :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

Downloading to listen… Let’s listen, for the first time, the voice of Vlk :slight_smile:

Great video and Interview!! ;D

Interesting, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

Wow glad that I have fast broadband now 440.80MB for the mp4 downloading at around 4MBps.

Thanks, Red.

Most appreciated. :slight_smile:

Well done Vlk! Thanks Red.

Hey… just version 6… I’m disappointed… What about version 7? ;D

Anyone having any difficulty viewing video in this .mp4 file, as I’m only getting audio using winamp.

Very cool!!! Are both links the same interview? Thanks Vlk and Red for uploading this!


Downloading the 360p version but only getting it at 170KB/sec. on my connection that is capable of over 1mbps.

maybe use vlc player instead?

Link plays fine in chrome.

I just found out that to play video .mp4 (not just audio) you have to have the Winamp Pro version. I have used it for years off and on so I have done the deed and upgraded ;D

I have had nothing but problems every time I tried VLC, I never managed to get it to work once. WMP is a bloated hog, used one that Bob recommended long ago but that too started to get bloated.

Really though? you had to pay to view the interview? Doesn’t that seem sort of odd to you?

I think this is more of a firefox issue than anything else, because chrome (haven’t tried IE yet) works just fine.

I click the link and it just starts playing. I don’t have anything crazy installed, just windows, chrome, and vlc player (that and xvid codecs). Might just be a sign that firefox doesn’t support it.

No I was downloading the .mp4 file to view off-line at a later time.

I was able to view it in WMP11 but only because I have the ffdshow codec installed from Format Factory. It also plays in Media Player Classic Home Cinema using it’s built in decoder which shows the video codec of the file to be H264 which is very common. You shouldn’t have to pay to view these types of files.

Thanks so much for the links Rednose. Nice interview. Great seeing and listening to Vlk.

Wow what a good video, tks VLK…rm

Thanks for great interview! 8)

Nice to share Eric…