Videosurf website and it's firefox extension - A false positive ?

Can anyone check for a false positive on this?
I would like to be able to use this very convenient firefox extension with Avast.

Here is what it is all about:

Videosurf is a new website that offers search functions on internet videos
and is rapidly gaining popularity with it’s firefox extension that let’s people preview videos
with little embedded thumbnails in searchresults of google or youtube-pages.
( and )

It has been given good reviews and has been announced on a lot of websites as a great extension that adds functionality.
Yet i can’t find no link to a trojan horse or spyware when googling for videosurf?

Why is this popular site being blocked by Avast ::slight_smile:

At the moment the NETWORK shield of Avast blocks this internet site, so it cannot be excluded, unlike the WEBSHIELD would allow.

If i pause the network shield i can have access to the site,
but whenever i click on a videolink,
Avast alerts for a trojan horse => JS:ScriptIP-inf [Trj]

Even when using the firefox videosurf extension. there are problems with avast.
It is called "VideoSurf Videos at a Glance 0.50 "

here is the URL =>

The firefox extension can not function since it is blocked by the NETWORK shield of AVAST
( it communicates with and AVAST won’t allow, so the extension cannot provide previews )

The firefox extension let’s people have a preview of videos on popular websites.

Here is the description as available on the firefox extension page:

[i]Enhance your search results with VideoSurf’s video summaries and related videos. See what the video is about before you watch it, without having to navigate away from the page.

VideoSurf video summaries display selected thumbnails from the most important scenes in a video.
Preview video links in Twitter instead of blindly clicking shortened URLs.
Now you can easily find the video you want, avoid spam and jump to specific moments in a video.

Visual Summaries and Related Videos Available On:

  • Google Search
  • Twitter Profile Pages
  • Twitter Search Results
  • Youtube Search
  • Youtube Home Page
  • Youtube Video Page
  • Yahoo! Search
  • FriendFeed

Additional Features and Options:

  • When watching YouTube videos, click on a frame in the summary to jump to that moment in the video
  • Expand shortened URLs (video and non-video) on Twitter
  • Enable/disable adult content in Related Videos "

Anyone a clue on this ???

Additional INFO

The site was reported safe using Norton safeweb engine =>

Here is the report:

There is a big chance this is a false positive from AVAST, i think.

But i would like a second opinion on this.

There are a couple of encrypted script files generated when you click on a video link and I certainly can’t decrypt or understand what is in those so they need to be analysed by someone with the tools and understanding. avast however, has been very accurate in these type of alerts in the past.

So having paused the network shield to be able to at least try and find out what the problems were, on alert I submitted the offending encrypted script as a possible false positive. I also mentioned the Network Shield blocking and referenced this topic.

However, getting the domain removed from the network shield would take more work. avast gathers information on detections by avast and if one site comes to prominence having many alerts by the web shield then it may be added to the network shield’s malicious sites list. This would normally be there until the site is cleaned, how long that would take is beyond my influence as an avast user.


This was false positve which has been fixed in current vps update. Thank you for information.


Thanks jsejtko,

I can confirm that the site is accessible now with VPS 090826-0.

Thanks everyone for making this work.

Your Fast. ;D

Since it is resolved,
i think nothing needs to be added to this thread.

Big up to Avast-team, jsejtko and DavidR .

No problem, glad I could help.

Welcome to the forums.