
Hey got a neat site that has ALL the virii and virus simulators!!

[Edit: link removed ;)]


Please don’t provide links to VX site or malware sources.

And the plural of virus is viruses, not virii. :wink:

Sorry ppl!

I just gave the link cuz avast is not detecting some of them. So i thought it would help!
And the plural of virus is BOTH virii and viruses :wink:

Virii is not a real word. People use it because they’re under the mistaken impression that they can “latinize” the plural of virus by adding the -ii suffix. That is incorrect. ;D

Okay, enough about this! heh heh…

So then why don’t you remove that link? :slight_smile:

This site is well known to people that collect viruses/malware as a hobby (virus collector) and I’m very very sure that ALWIL knows it well.

Avast is not necessary to detect all malware in this site coz most of them are so-called zoo malware, e.g. old DOS viruses, malware that never succeed at spreading or corrupted samples so they are there for collecting and trading purpose only!.

Except Avast wants to be a winner in such tests as Kaspersky always be. :smiley:

Actually there is a word virii…
Google it

Ok i’ll go sit in the corner again

Dictionary search for virii - No entry found for virii.

The Google search only shows that it has been found in those websites.

It is a word, certainly, but I would argue that it is not the correct word.

People use “virii” because they mistakenly think it would be plural of the latin word “virus”. However, as mentioned at that link, the -ii plural suffix only applies to latin nouns ending in -ius, like radius.

stulti sunt ! :wink:

(asinus asinum fricat!) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Heh heh… It took a bit of research but I think I understand what you’re saying. ;D