W32.Beagle.A@mm (also known as I-Worm.Bagle [Kaspersky], WORM_BAGLE.A [Trend]
hi all! I received the above notice by email yesterday…
is this old stuff?? it said it had reached “high” distribution…and explained about spoofing an IE Window…must I do anything else?
Also…the notice recommended Avast! as one of 2 antivirus programs…GO AVAST! Made me proud, proud, proud!
I do not like Cojo’s wording “from an outside source”.
If such an email is unrequested, please do not open it!
This is one of the actual ways in which these type of viri are spread! Many of the phony emails appear to alert you to a “Warning of a virus” when in fact THEY ARE THE VIRUS! Beware of unsolictied emails from Microsoft on the same subject…trojans have recently been detected in such false email.
techie, thank you.
It came from a reliable source…
I subscribe to CloudEight for stationery…I use the funletters, etc. when I email hospitalized children and some adults. Many hospitals have adopted this method for patient contact…the email is printed and given to the patient. It reduces the amount of phone calls which may disturb the patient…and gives the patient a physical reminder that they are prayed for…
I am sorry that I was not more forthcoming with more information! Please accept my apologies…
Cloud8 notifies subscribers of the status of those viri that are of high importance, etc.
Then they recommend running a scan, etc.
What I was so proud of was Avast! being recommended as one of the best.
I never open any email of the type you mentioned–you taught me well
Weird thing, though, is that I am getting what appears to be blank email…no sender and no subject. these I forward to my isp and delete…although avast! shows them to be clean.
At the same time, I have to do something more about spam! Yesterday the total count was close to 300…
and I thought I had a layered defense as suggested ???
many are placed in a folder for me to review for legitimate ones.
I guess that I will be doing some checking about this today…wish me luck!
It came from a reliable source...
I subscribe to CloudEight for stationery
That is good. I neve heard of them, but if you feel comfortable with them, then I am sure it is right.
Cloud8 notifies subscribers of the status of those viri that are of high importance, etc.
Then they recommend running a scan, etc.
Very nice of them to do so.
What I was so proud of was Avast! being recommended as one of the best.
Weird thing, though, is that I am getting what appears to be blank email...no sender and no subject. these I forward to my isp and delete...although avast! shows them to be clean.
Um.....Did they show attachments? Do not open them without subject or header information. The email still can bare a virus hidden in the html header info.
At the same time, I have to do something more about spam! Yesterday the total count was close to 300...
You need to first contact your ISP and have them look into it. You can also install an anti-spam filter. Go to www.webattack.com or www.wantdbest.com. There are a few good selections. Contact Technical for advice. He can help you.
After this post, I must go as you know, but I could not without helping a freind.
and I thought I had a layered defense as suggested ???
We will need to reevaluate your layered defense, but spam is annoying not dangerous.
Culpeper uses SpamPal, he can guide you…
I use Spamihilator (John- started to use it some time ago).
If you search the forum for my posts of Spamihilator you will find the configuration to use it and avast! at the same computer. You will have to change your emails accounts and your port for receiving emails (POP3 port).
If it is difficult, please, wait… I’ll back in February 8)
so it is a toss up between SpamPal and Spamihilater??
does it make a difference if: I use WinXP Home and OE…and I hate OE with a passion >:( …but I have tried to use other–Netscape–and really messed up my computer, remember? It seems using DSL confuses my computer, ISP, and their tech support!..not to mention me :-[ ;D
Was going to ask about MYIE2 but think I will see it as a poll so I get more feedback…
Very nice browser option (MyIE2). I’m not sure the Internet Explorer plugin of avast works with it… Maybe the avast! team could say something…
Sorry Cojo, I did not resist to help you in my vacations 8)
MyIE2 v0.9.16 - the best of the best (browser running using IE engine). I’m testing MyIE2 for the last two weeks and it works perfectly. My OS is WinXP Home Edition SP1… I tested Avant Browser too, but MyIE2 has so many useful features that Avant hasn’t (like SaveFlash feature).
Latest version 0.9.16 (from 4/Feb/2004) brings us following things:
Don’t open any page at start up option at MyIE2 Options->General->When Starting.
Support for RSSExplorer, StumbleUpon toolbar.
Start plugin after page loaded option at MyIE2 Options->Advanced->MyIE2 plugin + Improved start up speed and browsing speed.
OpenLinksInSelection is disabled by default. Can be enable by adding * OpenLinksInSelection=1 at [settings] section in myie.ini .
No more tab will be opened when the number of tab exceeds the limit set at MyIE2 Options->Window .
Show sticky name in browse tab window.
Press ESC at address bar will restore previous address.
Protected/Locked tab could not be closed before un-protect/unlock .
These IE compilations migh be cool to see from far,but they’re still a big security problem like original IE. I still recommend Opera/Mozilla (or Firefox). Maybe script blocking for Opera/Firefox in some next version of Avast! ?