i have recently run avast 4 home and it found both a virus and a trojan yet when i run the virus cleaner it says there is nothing in my computer why my computer is not working properly because of it
the Cleaner only removes a few very wide-spread viruses/worms
what WIN do you have ? Are all ServicePacks and Windowsupdates applied ?
What are the exact names of the virus & trojan ?
Where exactly was the infected File found (full path/folder/filename, e.g. c:\Windows\system32\virusfile.exe) ?
Sometimes it’s enough to
- clear all TEMP-folders (via drive CleanUp AND best also manually)
- empty Temp.Int.Files folder(s) (via IE->Extras-Internetoptions->Delete files, including OFFLINE files) and
- empty java-Cache or
- disable system restore on Win ME/XP INCLUDING a REBOOT!! ( http://vil.nai.com/vil/SystemHelpDocs/DisableSysRestore.htm )
to get rid of it…
test the file with OnlineScanners e.g. from Trend, RAV & KAV (see below) to get a more specific name
(you need to temporarily pause AV-Resident Shield/Monitor/Guard to be able to scan the file online)
(If they all don’t show it as infected, please send it in a password-protected zip-file to
virus@free-av.de/virus (at) asw (dot) cz
Include the Zip-password and a link to this posting in the mailtext)
if it’s of the “trojan-gen” kind: spybot, ad-aware and cwshredder might also help
see www.lurkhere.com ->nicefiles and www.lavasoft.de
-remove the Virus/Malware and it’s system modifications according to VirusInfos
from Avast, VGREP, TrendMicro, Kaspersky;
you might also try searching for the virus name or filename with google
general removal procedure:
- disable system restore on Win ME/XP
- kill respective Backdoor/Trojan process with task manager
- search for the file/process names in the registry; remove the malware’s startup entries in the registry
- disinfect or (if disinfection is not possible) delete the file; this may be possible only after a reboot
if you still can’t remove it, you could post a logfile of Hijackthis here
-Secure your system:
change passwords, secure shares, install patches/updates for WIN&IE;
disable ActiveX and Scripting in IE except for know secure sites - and better use a secure browser like Opera or Mozilla
- scan your whole system with updated avast and maybe a 2nd scanner ,e.g. TrendMicro/RAV to check whether your PC is clean
- If needed, reenable system restore on Win ME/XP
Further Details and Links via the board search above
i have windows 98 second edition programs i have are one click winclean,dust buster, spybot s&d,registry doctor,spyware blaster, avast4home edition, and avast virus cleaner. all of whicch i have downloaded in the past week trying to fix this nightmare. i have had avast and symantecs both scan this computer but they found nothing. the virus i have is called " win32hybris "and the trojan is " win32trojan-gen " and i think they are the reason my java doesnt work. you will have to forgive me as i am pretty much computer illiterate but with this dinosaur im learning patience
ääährm … ??? you contradict yourself a bit
AVAST did find the virus, but not remove it ?
or did some other AV-Scanner find them ? If so, which ?
Please be more exact when you post virus names:
you mean
Win32:Hybris [Wrm] ? where was it found (see above) ?
→ ClickMe4Info
out of these 60 hits, I’d advise this link first:
it was my avast4 home edition that found them both win32hybris [wrm] in c:programfiles\gatteway\SRCDwin32ui.zip then below that it had these #'s 0419-0 5/03/2004 and the other one win32:trojan-gen{upx} in file c:\windows\TVTMD.exe and the #'s under that were 0418-0 04/26/2004 does that help ???
please read here:
here! and follow the red links to Trendmicro, mcafee and symantec
Also read the blue links above again…
and do a scan with Trend (see below)
well i did all that and come to find out i dont have some of my cab files and i dont have a 98 disk to get them from
I hope you did read the instrcutions first ?
or did you just delete the wsock-file without making sure you have the CAB’s /backups /disks ? :-
does you PC work/connect to the net still properly ?
what problems remain ?
if you installed avast AFTER being infected with hybris, there probably won’t even be a clean copy of wsock in avast’s chest, which would have otherwise saved you
please also be more detailed in your answers, otherwise we can’t help you properly :-\
→ WHICH virusname(s) did give TREND’s Scan EXACTLY ?
and which filename(s)/locations (like C:\windows\system\wsock
Some good news at last: if HYBRIS was ONLY found in this SRCDwin32ui.zip file, you don’t have much to worry about…
if all else fails, maybe someone here could send you a
But please answer above questions first…
and i dont have a 98 disk to get them from :'(
P.S.: Why not ? :o
the reason i dont have a disk is this is a hand me down conputer and i have contacted the last 2 people that owned it and niether one of them have the disk the file trend said was infected was eicartest file and said non-cleanable so i deleted it it was the only option they gave me and im sorry i dont give the complete answers but i have no idea what the heck im doing so please bare with me and thank you for your help and most of all your patience
if EICAR was all that was found, then you’re clean & a happy camper
if not, please do a full scan with Trend (pause avast shield for this) and report virusnames and filenames/locations
don’t forget to reenable avast shield after this…
also then do a full thorough scan with updated avast again and report the findings