Virus chest got bugged

Avast blocked a game executable (false positive), and now doesn’t let me unblock it back.

I downloaded and unzipped a free game ( ) and ran “Barotrauma Launcher.exe” . Avast notification popped up, claimed that Barotrauma.exe is infected with a “IDP.Generic” virus and that it got quarantined. The game started normally, but I hastily quit it and found that Barotrauma.exe was still in place.
After some confusion I ran “Barotrauma Launcher.exe” second time, notification about “IDP.Generic” and quarantine popped up again, this time the game got aborted and Barotrauma.exe went missing from the game folder. I checked the Virus chest, and found two Barotrauma.exe entries.

Now for the fun part: I can’t do anything with them. I can’t remove them (clicking remove does nothing), can’t restore them (same), can’t scan (after initializing scan all it produces is a small empty window with an “Ok” button) and can’t send to laboratory (no reaction). I downloaded the game archive again and tried unpacking Barotrauma.exe in the same place but something (I assume its Avast) doesn’t let me.

I’m pretty sure that Barotrauma.exe was a false positive (the game itself has passed Steam Greenlight, its source code is available at , etc), so I think this weird Virus chest behaviour is due to a bug in Avast itself and not virus interference.

I’d like to know if there’s a way to clean those entries from the Virus chest without reinstalling Avast completely, like remove some hidden folders and registry entries perhaps. Pic:

Hi, disable the behavior shield or set an exclusion.
Avast GUI → Settings → Components → Behavior Shield

Disabling Behaviour shield didn’t help. Those two entries are still stuck in the Virus chest.
As for setting an exclusion, what should I exclude from it? Avast itself?

Yes, it’s a known issue. Devs are working on a fix.

Ok thanks. Hope I was of help. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

The problem still exists, even though avast got updated several times already. Also I switched behaviour shield behaviour from “always qurantine” to “prompt for decision”, yet it still keeps closing and moving stuff into virus chest where it gets stuck forever without warning or even just a notification post-factum.

To clarify: otherwise virus chest operates fine, I experimented a bit and stuff which is discovered during a scan or by network/filesystem monitor can be restored/excluded/removed normally, its only files that were added by behaviour shield which you cannot do anything with.