Virus chest question

I was just wondering if I can delete the files/items in the chest? I have had some virus lately and dealt with cleaning my system up, but I just feel strange having those things sitting in there. Are they still on my computer if they are in the chest? Can I go ahead and select them and delete them? I’d appreciate any advice! Thanks in advance… ???

See the avast help file, Resident Protection: Standard Shield Provider Settings - “Advanced” Page.
Leave the file in the chest for a week or two (it can do no harm from there) to ensure no adverse effect from being moved to the chest. Then scan the file again in the chest to ensure it is still detected as infected and if so delete it from the chest.

post re: message

I get this feeling of Deja Vu ;D
However, I can’t see why you have posted the help file reference as it doesn’t relate to his question? I would have thought the avast! - help: virus chest, Overview and ‘Working with the Chest files’ would be more appropriate.

Virus Chest

The Chest can be thought of as a special folder on your computer that is safe and isolated, which makes it a suitable place for storing specific files. You can still work with the files in the Chest, but with some restrictions.

Main features

Complete isolation from the rest of the operating system. No outer process can affect files in the Chest. It means that no virus can infect them either.
Files in the Chest cannot be run. This “restriction” has its reason: it is impossible to run a virus and infect the rest of the computer or the other files in the Chest.