virus database

how do i confirm a virus is being listed in your database? is there a way for me to list out the viruses that had been tested cleanable from a current virus database? can the current database(4/7) handles js_fornight?


Yes, you can right click on the A ball in the tray, and go into Virus Database.
You can perform a search for the virus your looking for. It will list all the viruses and variants within the db.

I am not sure what you mean by listing the viruses that have been cleaned though.

As far as I can tell, the present db does not include js_fornight.


thanks for the reply, so, when will a new virus database be ready that include pattern for js_fornight? isn’t that the virus database build up a bit slow since the virus was first detected on 7/7/03 and listed as the top 5 threat?

Dear echin,
Avast founds JS_Fortnight as JS:Seeker. There is a few of variant of JS:Seeker (or Forthnight). The original variant is quite old, ~half year. However, in the past time a few variants quickly emerged. For one of them Avast adopted JS:Fortnight name, too.
I’m reluctant to call the malware “top threat”. It might spread rapid, but it’s just an advertising trick. In the mail is an URL address pointing to an advertising site. The address might be in plain, in script or in encoded script. After opening the referenced site, ActiveX is runed that set the site as the browser’s default site, and create a file with URL link and register it as MS Outlook Express default signature. Then, URL is attachet to all sent mails.
Problem with Seeker is that it’s in fact just an URL link. The creation of a new “version” is quick and simple process. And in order to detect it, we need the sample. There is no possibility to detect is by a generic method - URL in mails are normal thing.


thanks karel for your explaination. we are a email hosting provider using merakmail server integrated with avast anti-virus engine. some of our hosting customers has been complaining to us that they receive mails with js_fornight virus and questioning us why is our anti-virus software not doing a good job, in this case, how should i address my customers?

The best and most solid way is to send the suspected file to the following address: support@asw or/and to . You should get the answer about it soon…

Hope this helps
