Virus Def 121003-2 now showing red in current status

I don’t know why it’s now showing red. I manually installed the VPS yesterday and it said it successfully updated from 121003-01 to 121003-02. The lettering under current status virus definitions was in green indicating all was well.

Now I come online and virus definitions are showing 121003-2 in bold red. The program downloaded this file today vps_32-8fd.vpx that took a while to come down, when it finally did it told me I am now updated from previous 121003-2 to 121003-1 but under current status it is in red 121003-2 ? If I attempt update it says I am updated to 121003-1 but am still showing 121003-2 in red under current status.
Which version do I have???

What is going on here and where are the IT guys. This is a serious issue and I expected this to be fixed like yesterday. I don’t even think I seen a formal news release on the forum does anyone know anything about this?

How long can we be expected to surf without updated protection, I do not have a back up anti virus program.

try a repair: control panel>>select avast>>uninstall/change>>repair>>and then follow on screen instructions and after the completion reboot the machine and then tell us if it still says in the UI if its still red…

dont worry…be patient…avast still is protecting you in the same darn way and its still hardcore ;D

updates are delayed…

Same problem here, pal… 11hours ago since this happend…

Follow instructions in previous post and that will fix the red mark in UI and be patient…this is not the first time that there has been no update in a day it has also happened in program update sessions and avast! is still protecting you in the same way as before. :wink:

the red mark is a out of synchronize issue and the repair will fix it :slight_smile:

P.S. Dont worry…Even i am hoping for VPS update…We all are in the same boat of hope ;D

I will inform once VPS releases. :slight_smile:

just dont panic!! avast is just slightly back today on VPS…not a big difference.

@ Duncan9999 and KnightOfLight,

I am an Avast! user like you, and here Avast! is showing only vps version 121003-1 and is green. As it is now late in the morning hours here, and no 121004 vps version has shown up here yet, it is possible that the 121003-2 version was pulled off for some reason, and that is why your Avast! program is showing it as red. I, as a user, can contact others in the forum to find out what that reason may be if you wish.

I have manually checked for vps update several times, and still stuck at 121003-1 for now.

As true indian says, either choose repair or monitor the vps status for a day or so, and post back here what you find. It may be just as simple as waiting for 121004-0 to show up, and then problem solved.

In the worst case ever, think McAfee antivirus, where an antivirus update kicked many XP systems off the internet. Avast! has never done that as far as I know.

I would be mad too if that happened to me and many McAfee consumers were! Think firestorm.

Red just means out-of-date, not no protection available. But, you are right, in that this is a peculiar situation. If 121003-2 was pulled, and the only current is 12103-1, then the possibility exists that 121003-2 does not exist on the Avast! servers any more. Hence the red.

Hope this helps.

I just did a repair, rebooted and nothing changed. This is ridiculous!

I tried to repair and it tells me this: Error processing packages please use full update and it created a log report. Virus def under current still showing red 121003-2

Please try the Below:

If above doesnt work:

remove avast using:

download and install avast again from here:

reboot and that will be fixed.

+1 Remember Avira’s update where a lot of user’s pro-active guard went fatal and avira became paranoid ;D

Don’t use a sledge hammer to crack a nut, a reinstall I believe is way overkill, other than a problem with updating the remainder of avast works just fine.

As I said in another topic about this:

I think that they have pulled the VPS 121003-2 version so the update check doesn't fail as it did before.
[b]@@@@[/b] That is why it is showing 121003-1 as the latest update when you try an update check. This gives them time to find the reason for the problem in the bad VPS update without the problem 'for users' spreading as people update. So those who managed to get round the problem of the bad VPS they will still see version 121003-2 as their current version.

So I would expect an update later today version 121004-0 to be released, that should fully resolve the VPS version number mismatch. But having pulled the bad VPS version from the update servers, the system should be working.
So for now the order of the day would be wait.

I tried that yesterday (manually installing the VPS) and it appeared to work until I tried to update again. That is the reason I posted this new thread. :slight_smile:

I did not go as far as uninstalling and reinstalling. I am going to let Avast try and fix it. Will give them a bit of time on that first (I willl try to not panic in the meantime ;D)

Did you try and uninstall reinstall and If you do that what definition version will it bring you to?

Yes David,its indeed a overkill…But atleast it will get some of the users away from the ! mark in UI giving them some piece of mind if not all IMHO

Did you try and uninstall reinstall and If you do that what definition version will it bring you to?

Back to 1201003-1 with no ! mark in UI

I have visited avast web site and in the virus database history the last VPS is number 121003-2, while on my avast inferface I see number 121003-2 in green. What’s happening?

Update problems…Update has been pulled from the avast servers because it was faulty…new update will be released later today…be patient…new update will surely be out by today.

Personally I would wait a bit and choose to do nothing. Repair/clean install should only be used when the a/v will not start or protection modules will not run. I do not think that is the case here.

Just be patient.

What is happening is as I have said above in Reply #10, it will take a little time for this to resolve when the next VPS 121004-0 is eventually released. Then any reference to version 121003-2 will be superseded by the latest version 121004-0.

So it is a wait for the next VPS update to be released, other than that avast is working.

As if it can’t get any more bizarre:

If I go to the Avast icon, right click and update virus definitions, it is telling me I am up to date with version 121003-1.
I close Avast then reopen the program fully with a double click. I go to summary current and it says 121003-2 in red. So I click the update right next to it. It tells me up to date with 121003-1. Back to summary 121003-2 in red, then I go to maintenance update and it says current version 121003-2

I still have no idea what virus def version I am running.

you are running 121003-1 actually…the ! mark is a out of synchronize issue…next VPS update is going to fix it…so be patient

When you right-click the system tray icon for avast and select update, you will see what you should see if there is no update available. The reason for the confusion, as I see it, is because we are seeing two different operative modules within Avast at work here.

For the first, you are manually checking for an update. If there is no update, the result is what you are seeing.
For the second, this module only updates after one of two conditions are met:

  • An automatic update occurs and is successful.
  • A manual update is initiated and is successful.

So, module two will only change if one of the two conditions are successfully completed as above. No update, no change.

Reasonable assumption here is that you did get 121003-2, but Avast pulled that definition version from the servers, and as Avast is programmed to automatically contact said servers periodically, it sees a discrepancy between what it has and what it is seeing at the server and thus flags it as red.

EDIT: It is working as it should in this case.

The reason for the red under normal circumstances is to let the user know their virus definitions are out of date.

In this case, this does not apply.