Virus definition is not automatically updated

I have just did a fresh install of windows 10 from windows 7 last night. I installed avast afterward and the virus definition was on 160222-1. I checked this morning(after more than 240 minutes) and the virus definition did not automatically updated. I do receive streaming update. If I do manual update, I get the updated version of the virus definition. I have another windows 7 and I checked the virus definition and it said 160223-0.

I do not have any kind of third party firewall. My windows defender is turned off. What could prevent Avast from automatically updating the virus definition?

I have another windows 10 machine that I just did fresh install and avast did not automatically update the virus definition on that machine either.

Any help appreciated.

What exact version of avast ?
Did you perform a repair of avast ?
Did you perform a clean installation of the latest avast version ?

I am using Avast 2016 version 2016.11.1.2253. I just download the installation package last night. As I mention in my original post, I did fresh install of avast on fresh install of windows 10 machine.

does avast give any error messages? … if not it should have all the updates it need

I do receive streaming update.

Maybe this is the issue? Not seeing up to hundred’s of streaming updates anymore?

I went and check the update.log and I do not see any entry where it was trying to get update and error out. The only update I get now is through streaming update. Is streaming update also update the virus definition? The last entry I see before the manual update is when it first install the software and update the virus definition.

Read this topic:

Is streaming update also update the virus definition?
yes, VPS is mostly a backup of previosly released stream

Looks like from Alikhan post, it is existing issue on Windows 10. Thanks,

Not a Windows 10 problem here even though I’m on an unreliable open WiFi at a hotel.


Yes, but do you have it set to fast boot? If you have it set to fast boot it won’t auto update.

Since fast boot also requires hibernation, I guess the answer would be no.
Hibernation is turned off on my system. I never use it since it causes nothing but problems.

The issue is only present if fast boot is enabled which is by default on Windows 10.