Virus Definition won't update

Just today, my Avast Premium Security (under the Avast Ultimate plan) gave me those red exclamation warning that says that my virus definitions are out of date. Problem is, every time I try to update it, the green loading bar just moves back and forth for a long time. Stops by itself, and the warning doesn’t go away. My virus definition is still out of date.
And just now, the button that allows me to CHECK FOR UPDATE is no longer even highlighted.

The software itself is up to date, so is this an issue on the server side or is there something else?

What is the Avast Premium Security Program Version and build number, see attached image (click to expand) of my Avast Free settings.

I generally allow Virus Definitions to update Automatically (currently on VPS 240919-4) but Manual for Program updates, I haven’t had an issue with the virus definition updates.

Whilst it is an old adage, but have you tried a system restart, a cure for many old issues.

I have just run a manual Virus Definitions update and whilst a little slow it completed and now on VPS 240919-8 - image 2.

I have the same problem, no one responds here.

My Avast Security isn’t the free version. It’s the Premium version part of the Avast Ultimate Package. I also let both the virus definition and the software update automatically. As I’ve said, I tried updating the virus definition manually, but it doesn’t work. As for a system restart, it’s the first thing I did. But this is the second day already and the problem still hasn’t resolved itself.

I uploaded a picture of my current Avast Premium Security software version.

Very strange, however seeing a screenshot of the Virus Definitions would have been more informative as to what version you are on.

In what way doesn’t the Manual Virus Definitions (VPS) not work, e.g. does it fail with an error (if so what) ?

You could try updating the VPS from the Tray Icon (in case it might be a UI issue).

When you say Manual virus definitions I’m assuming you mean the option in the update screen that has a big green button saying “CHECK FOR UPDATES” Please correct me if I’m wrong.
I’ve done that. And as I described in my opening post, everytime I try to click that button, there would be a green loading bar that shows up indicating it is trying to connect, but after it goes on for a long time, the loading process simply stops. No errors as far as I can tell, with the exception that I am still getting the warning that my virus definition is out of date.

As for the software itself, according to my Avast software it is already the latest version. If I press the button to update the software manually, it simply says my software is up to date.

I’m currently not at my PC so I can’t provide any more detailed information, but later when I get home, I’m planning on uninstalling the software completely and reinstall it. In the past, whenever I’m stuck with a software related issue, I have had to do that a few times.

I HATE >:( doing that, because it requires me to redo a lot of settings with regards to software permissions and firewalls, but right now I don’t see any other way and I don’t want to waste my time troubleshooting for days like I’ve done in the past.

If that doesn’t work, I’m gonna have to try to speak to someone from AVAST.

I suspected that you were trying from inside the User Interface - which is why I suggested trying from the Avast Tray Icon as in my previous attached image.

You could also Try an Avast Repair and then a system restart before a complete reinstall.
AvastUI > Menu > Settings > General > Troubleshooting > Repair APP - Restart after completion.

hello Jamie2020, would you mind to share the logs before you reinstall it? Easiest way to send it - Avast UI > Settings > General > Troubleshooting > SEND LOGS (it’s at the bottom of the screen, you’ll have to scroll).


I'm planning on uninstalling the software completely and reinstall it. In the past, whenever I'm stuck with a software related issue, I have had to do that a few times.

I HATE >:( doing that, because it requires me to redo a lot of settings with regards to software permissions and firewalls, but right now I don’t see any other way and I don’t want to waste my time troubleshooting for days like I’ve done in the past.

With regard to the above, Bold text (my highlighting), you should be able to Export your Settings, which should make that task less onerous.
Avast UI > Menu > General > Troubleshooting > Backup your avast settings - Make a note of where it is stored and you should be able to import them to the newly reinstalled installation.

Obviously Do the send logs as lukas.hasik asks also it may help resolve the problem for you and others.