Virus definitions

Hi guys,

Can you tell me please your last virus definitions ? Mine is 191012-6

There aren´t normal updates for 2 days ?

Kind Regards,

08 Feb 2012 >>

Hi Pondus,

I know about stream updates mate :slight_smile: My question and doubt is besides stream updates, normally avast does vps updates about within 4 hours, right ?

It used to be regular interval but now seems to be when needed?

It is mostly a backup of previous released stream updates

There have been recent questions about this as it isn’t normal and there have been instances where there hasn’t been an actual VPS Update for a couple of days.

The last full VPS update was 19101206, but as mentioned so long as you are getting the streaming updates your system is fully protected. But it does look somewhat strange.

I have same definition (191012-6) for 3 days… And yep - it looks strange.

May be… if program use “stream updates”… would be better - to do, additional option (menu, or something else) where you can check it. Sure we can check it in a main folder (manually). But not all people know it.

Anyway, 3 day - it’s a lot for main definition (IMHO).

Also reported for Android/Mac, it seems there’s a general problem with VPS updates.

mine is still 191009-4 and on manual update says “Already up to date”

What does it look like in the defs sub-folder, see my attached image in Reply #4 above ?
If that is different to what is being reported in About Avast, I would suggest an Avast Repair.

I have same definition (191012-6) for 3 days… And yep - it looks strange.

May be… if program use “stream updates”… would be better - to do, additional option (menu, or something else) where you can check it. Sure we can check it in a main folder (manually). But not all people know it.

Anyway, 3 day - it’s a lot for main definition (IMHO).
Hey demetry842,

I completly agree with you. It should exist a separated menu or sub-menu in updates only for stream updates so to see if there is scanning for stream updates or if there is an error at the moment. Now we cannot assure 100% that we are receiving stream updates since we are not receving vps updates. If is the same server to the two different updates technology or something else, now we cannot say, but with different menu for updates would be better.

For now you can only check them manually (see Reply #4 from Dave).
But I agree that it would be nice to have the option integrated in the UI.

No , doesn’t look like that.

The top one is 19100904 and the bottom one is 19101502_stream

After 19100904 I have only stream updates.
Repair did not solve the problem, Avast says “Already up to date”


We are aware of the issue and it is being worked on.
Please note that streaming updates are working though and you are protected.

Thank you for your reply and please let us now when fixed :slight_smile:


I have had this problem for some time but it has usually occurred during the weekend and cleared on the monday. This is the first time it has extended so far into the week. Thankfully the defs folder is bang up to date with entries from 19101206 to 19101502.

This is mine so it would appear i am in the same boat could someone explain how “streaming updates are working though and you are protected” work as i didn’t even know it was enabled, thanks.


Thanks. :wink:

You can compare your settings with this screenshot/attachment. Please make sure that you have “Enable streaming update” ticked/selected.

+1 :cry:

Exactly for me!

The last few weeks there weren’t VPS-Updates on Sunday!!!

LG Sky