virus in c:\_restore\temp\A0141450.CPY???

Hi everybody, the avast discovered a few files like the following one in:

c:_restore\temp*.* (to explain files like the other one)

I discovered them by going in Explorer the folder and activate view hidden folder + hidden system files.

Can thoses files disturb my system, if yes what to do? You can’t delete them because maybe used by the system!!!
Thank you.
By the way, if anybody goes to Dominica in the Caribbean, i give free tours in the island every tuesday. Check:
You never know?

Yes, they can and will.
Use Unlocker to delete them (
Or boot in Safe Mode (press F8 while booting) and try to delete them.
Or run avast! boot time scanning if you have Windows XP.

Welcome 8)

This C:_restore is part of the windows system restore process and as such is protected by windows.

Since they are in restore points, you can disable system restore and reboot, the restore points should be gone. Do another scan and if clear enable system restore again.

Isn’t it [b]C:\System Volume Information[/b] ?
Maybe the user does not have XP…

MS ME uses C:/_RESTORE. Dealt with one last week. Using a computer running ME for a few days, you know why it’s called the migraine edition. Never seen so many crashes, stalls and blue screens. :o

Thanks Frank… I see one or two times a Me working in a computer…
All I have listen and learn is that it is the most buggy piece of OS made by M$ :cry:
Isn’t it the Millenium Bug? ;D

Hi Tech,

I will not hold a sermon for MS binairies, no,way but my wife is on a ME machine with Avast, ZoneAlarm, strongest host file, and FF with NoScript on, and it never even blinked. She herself cleared one malware with a-squared from her comp, then I installed the Hostess.exe with the bastioned host file. Everybody says ME was M$ worst, it is a myth, and people start to believe things if you repeat them enough. I heard these stories enough. I have to disagree here.


Ha! You must be kidding. It’s about as stable as a six foot pile of paperback books!

It blue screens every five minutes, locks up every ten, and when you boot it up again, it tells you that Windows didn’t shut down correctly but the disk scan never finishes. Defragmenting is also impossible without a third party program because Defrag can’t stop Windows accessing the HD.

I used ME for three days last week, and XP is as stable as a rock in comparison. Windows has certainly improved a lot since then.

Buy your wife a new computer right now!

Polonus’s wife: don’t listen to him. ME is rubbish! He just doesn’t want to open his wallet. Take him down to the computer store tomorrow and insist that he buys you a new computer!

Stonedge found the solution with spybot, no more problems!!

After i got another problem with: about:blank virus something masking your pages and i used ad aware away to take it off. For the moment i’m getting plenty nasty stuffs but i check everywhere to learn. I just start to link my website with other people.

SMOKING a little bit
KILLS a little bit.