Virus in Facebook

Can there be hackers which are waiting you enter in facebook then in a flash they steal your password?

Using this link, I typed in “” in the upper right corner at the URL and it brought up a list saying that virtually no threat was found. Please check it out as well. :=)

Hi Omega,

What does we mean it is not about injection at facebook URL only, but instead that about mail box at facebook which this virus variant trying to attack customer with social engineering too.

Yep just make sure to download their Keyloggers&Trojans
and Disable your antivirus and Firewall then you are now 100% sure you are hacked ;D

This virus is actually a hoax. It was also called the Anti christ virus. Name kind of subject email, not just facebook. Don’t worry about it.

How did you find this out, John?


This may help.

“Antichrist” was a computer virus hoax distributed to Spanish computer users via email.
[edit] Translation

"The following is a translation of the text in the email:

ALERT: THE WORST VIRUS IN HISTORY. A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft and Mcafee as the most destructive of all time. This virus was discovered yesterday and is known by the name of ANTICHRIST; no antivirus has been discovered; it simply destroys the zeroth sector of the hard disk, where vital information for its operation is kept.
It works in the following way:
1. -) It sends itself to all the names in your address book with the title:
2. -) As soon as it is installed, it destroys the zeroth sector and in this way it permanently destroys the hard disk. Please send this E-mail to as many people as you can; in case you receive an e-mail with subject "SURPRISE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!, get advice from an expert because it can install itself automatically."

Dear All,

Just got update this morning, that around 750 thousands facebooker got attacked by virus/Malware Bredolab variant (Symantec Research, Shunichi Imano). This virus/malware variant attacked the facebooker through facebook’s email which subject “Facebook Password Reset Confirmation” and please don’t download the attachment or clicked their webpaga reference link.

Our colleague has been tried it, because he also got mail notification on his facebook. And so far avast! has been detected it as a malware variant.

Source of information : (Bahasa)

snopes and when I still used Norton, symantec.

Strictly speaking the virus is not in Facebook itself but , as the social site is open to all and sundry to register , anyone can create a profile and put ‘undesirerable’ links etc on it …

You do need to use your common-sense when on the site >>exactly as you should do when surfing or opening any emails or thinking it is safe to click on ads …

and ps; your Antivirus program is A defence but you are the computer user and you need to be a line of defense too ::slight_smile:

The Government totally created that ::slight_smile:


Beware of Black Helecopters in your neighborhood:

The user was infected because they were still using XP SP2 and the post refers to something in February 17 2008

Hi DarkLegend,

Is it true that virus could destroy our Hard Drive permanently?
It would be a serious issues need to take care, if this virus spread in our network.


I would assume, as those are the results upon googling it.

well i will take the advice
infact i am thinking of switching to Windows7 Ultimate any ways after re-formatting

Hi Dark Legend,

So if this issue only virus hoax, that it would be happy for me.
I got some information from here :

O_O!Destroy hard drive?
A hard drive is expensive specially for laptop ones!

Hi Shiw Liang,

I don’t this issue exactly whether it’s true happened or not?

But in term of to avoid your HDD crash because of virus/malware then you need to carefully to protect it.

I never got hit with that virus/viruses on Facebook, but I know several people who have. Many of them ended up doing complete HD wipes. :-[
Like Kenny posted before, it’s often unwitting end users who simply allow the malware in by opening infected emails and what not.

Good rule of thumb, if you don’t expect it to show up in your email, don’t open it…

Hi Philo,

Yes, back to the human which is the brainware of those machine.
If we can play safe, at least 10-20% we got safely but need to got protection too either like antivirus or firewall on gateway.