I’m working with Windows XP, my antivirus is Avast 4.6 Family Edition and my firewall is ZoneAlarm.
On my personnal computer, I’ve disfunctions : On Microsoft Word, suddenly, my last words or letters typed are repeated until i push the escape key, or the text is suddenly deleted. When i want to save my work, the adress bar is moving again and again.
On Microsoft Excel, the same things appear.
On Internet Explorer, the adress bar is moving again and again, showing all the adresses stil in memory.
Several problems occure too with Openoffice and mozilla.
I tried to find the virus with Avast and all the possible on-line internet scan (Kapersky, Panda Software, and so on) but no one find the virus or the trouble.
Perhaps you have a trojan and/or spyware !? Have you
run scanner(s) from any anti-spyware and/or anti-trojan
program(s) !? If yes, what has been the result(s) ?
Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.
Can you either select another image for your avatar or resize this one. We try to keep to 100X100 for those using low resolution monitors.
DavidR, you just provided me with the chuckle I needed this morning. Calling that pixel monster above you an avatar really struck me as funny. Sorry, but it really did. Thank s for the light moment.
Actually, I see that it really is now, but as I was scanning down the page I just couldn’t get it until I read your post.
it may well be that your windows is corrupted and needs to be re-installed .
Try loading over the top of your current installation and see what happens.
good luck