Well, good morning everybody.
I need help for a trouble I meet with Avast 4.0
Each time I boot, I get an Avast message: " Avast has hound a virus in your system, it’s dangerous to work… do you want to do a scan at boot time?"
I answer “yes”, the pc shut down and start again with Avast scanning. The scan run error free, and the pc boot again… with the same error message
Here is the log file:
13/04/2008 07:56
Analyse de tous les lecteurs locaux
Nombre de dossiers parcourus : 9162
Nombre de fichiers analysés : 146049
Nombre de fichiers infectés : 0
In your message is missed the important information about the name of suspictious process, infection name (if any) and warninng reason. Some screencopy (use Alt+PrtScr to copy active windows content info clipboard) of message box will be probably useful
According to the results (I understand it a bit) your pc has no infections. Just deactivate the startup scan of Avast. If it doesn’t work,try reinstalling avast or download the latest program and file definition.