Virus recovery database?

When I open Avast 4, it says my virus recovery database is not set up yet but I cant find how to do that. Can anyone help. Thanks

You can set the VRBD creation options using the VRDB icon in the system tray (the i-ball). You can also manually start the creation of VRDB this way.

thanks Igor but I dont have an i-ball! I do know what you are talking about as I remember having one on once but it seems to have disapeared! Any ideas as to getting it back? Maybe I need to reinstall?

Maybe you have merged the two avast! icons? In that case, you would have a “VRDB” submenu in the ordinary avast! popup menu - i.e. on the a-icon.

I’ve right clicked the a-ball and there is nothing to suggest I have merged. is that the correct place to check this.

What are the menu items when you rightclick the ball?

On Access Protection Control
Start Avast! Antivirus
Avast! log viewer
Pause provider
Resume provider (greyed out)
Stop Provider
Set/Change password
About Avast!
Stop on-access Protection and exit

What operating system do you have? Some people using WinXP occasionally “lose” the icon when they have the option “Hide inactive icons” checked in the TaskBar options… (i.e. unchecking this option brings it back).

Yes - that did the trick. I did have it checked. Thanks very much for your help Igor.