A few days ago I went to a Website

AVAST WEB SHIELD Alerted on HTML:lframe-gen a VIRUS WORM

I filed a Virus Report but there was no place to put the Website info

Does not AVAST want to know where this BAD GUY is LURKING ?  

I ran 5 of My OD Scanners . All came up Clean. GOOD JOB AVAST

I turned off web shield and went back to the Site and got no Alert

from AVAST. I read Reviews for about 20 min. I then ran my OD

Scans again Clean. It looks like Firefox 3 + No-Script may Block

this also.

If the alert is the web shield it stops the malware getting on to your system, even with noscript, an iFrame would execute as it isn’t a script as such, commonly it tries to redirect you to another page or open/run malware at that location (possibly outside of the noscript bounds).

Please break the link to a suspect site change the www to wXw, e.g. currently that link gives a 404 error though.

Perhaps the site is down as it may have been hacked and the pages are being cleaned.

Thanks for the Reply DavidR

I left part of the Web Add out on purpose so it was not a Direct Link

to a Bad Website .

If you type in it should take you to the website.

CLK on Reviews then Mobos. You should get a Alert from AVAST.

I just tried it + worked for Me.

Well I managed to capture the page and uploaded it to virustotal and avast isn’t alone in detecting something wrong with that page.

Good work avast team… detection is improving, really.