Virus Submisson

I submited 3 virus samples via mail & Virus Chest on 16th July and still those are not fixed by avast!.This show how low avast! are in blocked thous threat.Pls make the process more fast in cloud. :(Pls avast! it is a request to improve the submisson and add to database timeline. :slight_smile:

No, it only shows that you don’t know how things are working and that you don’t have patience.
You are forgetting that avast get 10.000’s of samples each day.
You are forgetting that it is weekend.

And who/what says that your samples are really threads ?
Already checked if they are detected as PUP ?

Also, avast handles the most dangerous things first.


Not helpful, if there is something that you don’'t understand then please expand.

By default avast doesn’t scan for PUPs, which is what Eddy is talking about if you enable PUP scanning then you may find avast does detect it.

A point for future posts if reporting something like this again try to provide some more information, file name and what makes you think it is malware (detection from other source) and any malware name that you think it is.

Using to scan the samples and give a link to the results - which can also be included in your submissions.

You are forgetting that avast get 10.000's of samples each day.
i think that number is low

143 Million New Malware Samples Recorded in 2014

AV-test statistic