virus will not let be use windows update or avast web pages

on my lap top i can not get to any Microsoft web pages nor any anti-virus webpages. I did get to load IE8 from yahoo but I couldn’t run the malicious software tool something blocked it out. When I try to update the avast antivirus it tells me the key expired in 1969 which is imposable

Check if your ‘hosts’ file is ok, also check for ‘lmhosts’ other than lmhosts.sam…
Report back here…

sorry i don’t know how to do that. The Lap top runs on a home network with the computer that I am on the internet with. I can run every thing on this computer but not on it.

License doesn’t work. Have emailed them several times. Bought through a company called element5 that I now read is fraudulent. Program stopped working as a trial, bought the $59.95 for 3 computers, cannot get one of them to work, orange ball has an x and it won’t fix itself, no one answers my emails. I got an email with a license number that says NOT A VALID AVAST LICENSE NUMBER.

Any comments?

Use the search function of your machine…
Search for ‘hosts’. Open it with editor or notepad and post back the result.
Which OS do you use? Which version/build of avast do you use?

Sorry, can’t help you with this problem. :frowning:
But you can download the free version at:

I have uncovered the same issue. I am waiting to see if anyone else steps in to help you, then I will get my answer. I bought the Avast 5 on March 22. I just ran Malwarebytes and discovered a trojan agent in my tmp file. I supposedly deleted it but found it hanging out in the Quarrantine file in Malwarebytes. When I looked through some of the Avast files, I too found the issue with license expiring in 1969. What’s up with this?? I also find it strange that someone who is supposed to help with these issues says that they can’t help with this issue.

Someone please give us guidance on this.

The host says only Localhost . the IM host does have imhost.sam with a lot of differant caractors two lines of them. at the beginning of the file is MSCF and then caractors before you get to the Imhost.sam. opened with notepad.
there is in search results 2 hosts one in c:\i386 and one in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
there is a Lmhost in c:\i386 and a Imhost in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc

I don’t know if it means anything one is Lmhost the other is Imhost.

My laptop is windows xp Home edition version 2002 service pack 2 version 5.1.2600 service pack 2 build 2600

@ photoizbk

I supposedly deleted it but found it hanging out in the Quarrantine file in Malwarebytes.
If you removed it using Malwarebytes, then that is where the Virus/malware will be removed to ( quarantine = malware/virus prison)
I too found the issue with license expiring in 1969.
Is you computer time / day / mnd / year correct ? if not adjust and restart

have your tried avast repair ?

For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

did it work ?

I try to help people on technical issues in the forum.
If you got your licence from fraudulent sources, please submit a ticket here:

Please ignore all host related files ending with .sam
Post the hosts file located in: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
And please update your XP to SP3!!!
asyn localhost

it the same in both. I can’t upgrade to service pack 3 can’t get to Microsoft web page

Your ‘hosts’ file is ok! :slight_smile:
Next step: disable the avast web-shield and try if you can update to SP3.

Can you tell me why you suggest him to disable avast webshield? what it(webshield) has to do with blocking access to LEGIMATE webpages?

Do you actually have any idea WHAT are you talking about?

I still can’t get to any microsoft web pages or virus removel or anti virsus pages

That is totally true, Avast would never block legitimate pages, such as @Thread author: To me, it seems that you have a virus which does so. Download MBAM from and see if it helps. EDIT: Virus might block this site as well. I will provide a download link for you directly that does not have anything to do with their site at all, which should, technically, work. You do not need to remove Avast!. You can run MBAM anytime you feel like Avast can’t detect something. Since the free version has no resident protection module, you will not endanger Avast.
File md5sum: 3ed077bc0229add337964b8509c2d830

thank you I will try that. I just started my laptop in safe mode and I was able to get to Mirosoft and I am downloading sp3 now, also I was able to download Avast updates and I will go and download the one you give me before I reboot, Maybee the safe mode didn’t let the virus load up then the new programs will find it. Hoping anyway. thanks

Woah there, wait, I don’t think installing SP3 before you heal your machine is a good idea. Try MBAM first of all.

Ok I will not insatll just down load onto computer and will instll after MBAM.

when I run the mbam file is said the exe file is corrupt and need to get another one. this on the computer that is working good