Viruscontainer FREE AVAST


my AVAST always moves different files to the viruscontainer and I have to reinstall them. These files are not infected!

For example disappears too often my “xstart.bat” without any information. The BAT is called from windows startmenu autorun.

Now I found a lot of them in the container!This stupid behaviour is not acceptable! It costed me hours to repeatedly repair my Windowsstart and now to find out that AVAST removes the bat.

There is no possibilty to find wrongly declared files / the container. Or to undo the wron behavior.

I found some hints how to work with the container. But my FREE AVAST only shows the contentlist of the container and offers only the possibility to delete the files

There must be a way to bring these wrongly as infected declared files back. And to send them to AVAST.

There must be a way to bring these wrongly as infected declared files back. And to send them to AVAST.
Have you tried to access avast chest from right click on tray icon

When a avast detect these fil(s) what does the message say?

Have you tried to access avast chest from right click on tray icon

Yes - I get the containerlist. And the button “Delete” in the bottom with an option arrow down. When I click, there are sometimes but not always 2 new click areas: “Send for analysis” and “restore” (in german) But both links are not clickable. No reaction. The only choose is to delete my files. Or the 2 areas do not appear and only the “delete” is available.

When AVAST thinks that it has to do somethinmg there are 2 ways.

In case of my “xstart.bat” there ist no message. Nothing! The batchfile disappears sometimes and the computer does not start in the usual way next morning. Long time I thougt this happens by Windows-Updates. Now I know that Avast ist the killer. because I found a lot of xstart.bat in the container. :frowning:

In case of the differnet EXE-Files. These EXE-Filkes exist since years in a subdirectory on D: and belong to a VB-Tutorial and Examples. Really harmles files! Avast does not do anything with the original files on D: But always when I copy these Files in a backup-run to a external USB-Drive AVASt kills some hours later one after the other in a time-distance of hours. I always get a message. “Virus found - File moved to Container” (short form) - and the files are missing in my backup.

I cannot accept such a stupid behavior and will kill AVAST if there is no solution for this.

By the way: The captcha in this forum is one of the worst I ever have seen! It is not readable on Smartphone or tablet! Even on the PC I have big problems. In this moment I see a captcha which is absolute not readable. This forms of captchas is really stupid. There are very better solutions than this terrible captchas. In this momenent I try the 9. picture

always get a message. "Virus found - File moved to Container" (short form) - and the files are missing in my backup.
And what virus name is given?

The name of the alleged Virus in my xtart.bat is IDP.Generic

The name of the alleged Virus in my clean(!) VB-EXEs is WIN32:Malware-gen. No other Virusscanner find a virus

I can mark this files and delete. But I can’t restore because of the downarrow after Delete (Löschen) does not has any effect Sometimes open 2 click areas. But even without working. See last posting

AVAST only “kills” the Backup-EXEs form my VB-Folder. Not the originals on D:\

Now I try to resolve this damned captcha. This is a imposition!

You can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here:

PS: Captcha is only needed for your first 3 posts. (Spam protection)

Captcha is for first three posts only. SPAM protection.


However, links for Send for analysis and Restore seem to work here.

OK - now there is no captcha :slight_smile:

However, links for Send for analysis and Restore seem to work here.

I have 2 things randomly.

1: No reaction when clicking the down-arrow behind the delete-button
2: There opens 2 new Button like on printscreen. But this Buttons are always dead. They change the color when mouseover. Thats all.

I cannot send a file for analysis and i cannot restore. Never!

The other way to go on a website and send a file over this way I don’t accept.
When Avast makes errors than there must be a way in the AVAST to send this errorreport with file direct from AVAST.
Most other Virusscanners have this way.

See Reply #5.