Can you tell me,how to check a suspicious site on Virustotal? I know for Unp2385480.tmp files but I don,t know where can I find these files. ??? ???
Can you tell me,how to check a suspicious site on Virustotal? I know for Unp2385480.tmp files but I don,t know where can I find these files. ??? ???
what’s you question ??? VirusTotal doesn’t check sites, it checks files…just browse to the one you want to get checked and you’re done…okay, if the question was how to get the unp file, just leave this folder open:
C:\Windows\Temp_avast5_ >>> the unp file will appear there when you get alerted about an infection. Be quick because it will be deleted once the infected file has been sent to Chest. So you must set your shield to “ask” and pick up the unp file before you answer the alert.
the web shield must be set to ask
when the warning pops up, do not click abort ( if you do the tmp file will dissapear )
you will find the file in C:\windows\temp_avast5
you can now right click the file and use the VirusTotal uploader to send it. when done click abort
Thanks it really works. ;D