ok so i installed pro to find that script blocker will not run is this because of vista?
No, although I have neither Vista or the Pro version it should work with Vista, but it is more a browser dependant issue than OS. The script blocker works with 3 browsers, IE, Mozilla (not firefox) and Netscape.
So which browser/s are you using ?
By not working, what exactly do you mean (not enabled in the avast providers, etc. what) ?
it will not run in any browser and by not working i mean no splash screen and no files scanned, also i have been able to get it to work for Firefox when i had xp
You don’t say what browsers you have tried, as I said it only runs on the three browsers I stated and that is the same for XP so I have no idea how it would have worked on firefox as it isn’t a supported browser.
Impossible… Script Blocker cannot work with Firefox: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=14879.msg125840#msg125840
It works on XP/Vista but only with the browsers posted by David on #1 reply.
Script blocker doesn’t even work in IE7 on vista when protected mode is enabled in the iIE security settings.
I wish Alwil do something… If Script Blocker is a difference between Pro and Home, this difference is eliminated on Vista.