Up until now, I’ve never got an alert from Vista Codec Pack.
Now the scanner is reporting that VistaUser.exe component has been identified as Win32:Malware-gen from VPS 091011-0, 10/11/2009.
The path is: C:\Program Files\VistaCodecPack\Tools\VistaUser.exe.
The creator of VCP says that Virus Scanners mistake his binaries as Malware because of the AutoIt Programming Language. Should I report this as a false positive?
EDIT: VirusTotal reports 3/40.
Avast 4.8.1351.0 2009.10.11 Win32:Malware-gen
eSafe 2009.10.08 Suspicious File
GData 19 2009.10.11 Win32:Malware-gen