I’ve been running Avast on my system just fine for months, until the other day. Avast updated itself, and since then Vista freezes while loading about 90% of the time. I uninstalled Avast, and then Vista boots fine. I reinstalled Avast, and again Vista freezes. This only started happening after the last Avast program update. Any ideas? I’m running Vista/32 Home Premium Edition.
We will need more information to be able to help you:
Do you use a firewall? Which one?
Do you have any other antivirus installed in your system? Did you have in the past?
Any other security programs that could interfere?
Is there any useful information into Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events, specially ‘Errors’?
I don’t have any 3rd party firewalls, or security programs running. I even have Windows Defender turned off. I do have Windows Firewall turned on. Avast is the only AV program ever installed on this system. My system logs don’t show any unusual errors. Just the “unexpected shutdown” when I have to shut down the system because Vista is frozen. Nothing has changed on my system, and nothing new has been installed or updated. Avast updated itself, and ever since it said I needed to reboot the system, Vista has been freezing while it’s loading. The Avast icon appears on the task bar, and the system locks up about 10 seconds later.
Would you be able to generate and send us the full memory dump, taken when the computer is frozen?
The description is e.g. here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=22636.msg187340#msg187340
(Note: The described way works most likely with PS/2 keyboards only.)
Just Lou - this seems to be a problem that has affected many avast users when they have updated. Avast don’t seem to have come up with many solutions yet though. Here are two other large threads on the issue which you might find helpful
Best of luck
Igor: I’ll see about uploading the dump file when I get home later.
Geoffo: Thanks for the links. I’ll check them out. I’m glad I’m not the only one that has a problem.