Vista health report says I have no anti virus/spyware protection

I am attaching a screen shot taken from the System Health Report I just ran. I check the Security Center and everything is fine there. Anyone know why this report would indicate otherwise?

No sense in crying over spilled milk. If Avast is running then the report is false.

I have run this health report before and no problems shown. What is shown on this report says to me that something is wrong, but I’m not smart enough to know what could be causing the problem.

If the Avast! UI says everything is running ok, I would trust that over security center.

The Vista Security Center like XP’s Windows Security Center is flaky with its WMI database becoming corrupt with monotonous regularity. You can try repairing it, see below.

See, this also mentions Vista.

Also see, this also mentions Vista.

Also (disable and re-enable Avast shields after you have run the fix)

I don’t see posts saying how bad Vista is contributing to the topic.
I respectfully request those that don’t have help to offer please refrain.

DavidR has the answer I’ve found to be effective in the past.

I’m not a Vista fan, but know several Vista users who are very happy with it. I’ve also seen quite a few stable and problem free Vista installations.

Thanks to those of you who contributed something helpful.

I’m too confused to take a chance on doing anything and doing it wrong. The WMI Diagnostic Utility does not show Vista under system requirements. Under rebuilding the repository it showed instructions for Windows XP and Vista; then down a ways instructions for Windows XP SP2, and below that for Vista. I’m assuming this would be Vista SP2, but not sure.

doktornotor also gave a helpful link. But this is another program that I don’t know how to use.

So I guess since everything seems to be working I will leave it alone until something drastic rears its head. I wish I understood more about things as trying to fix things is not easy when you don’t. I’d just run to the repair shop except that I live 100 miles from the nearest one.

Tarq57 is so correct. Responses like that made by area51 and Dieselman are such a waste of time for both them and me.

Thanks again.

There is nothing to repair. Just ignore it. Open up Avast and see if you a green check mark saying “secure”. Download the eicar test file and see if its detected. No reason to take such drastic measurements for something so minuet as this.

You’re welcome.

  • Also this, check system variables -
    - Also this, check system variables - I found out why windows didn’t recognized avast as my AV. It turned out that my Path environment variable had been messed up and it missed the “C:\Windows\System32\Wbem” part if you need to add that put a semi-colon ; after the last entry before you add the WBEM path part.

Control Panel, System, Advanced tab, Environmental Variables button, find the Path variable, select it, click Edit (careful don’t change anything right now) and just check that the variable includes what is in my image, click to expand.

How to reset the security centre manually in XP or VIsta:

1. Go to control panel and open Administrative tools. 2. Click on services. 3. Go down to Windows Management Instrumentation. 4. Stop this service. Stop Security Center service too. Set them to Automatically start. 5. Exit out of this area, to your desktop. 6. Right click Start, and choose Explore. 7. Go to c:\windows\system32\wbem\repository. Delete this subdirectory ONLY. (repository). Leave the others there. 8. Exit back to your desktop and reboot your computer (you might need to boot twice).

This will rebuild the deleted folder, and the database.
Once restarted, Windows Security Center should show the correct info.
Antivirus, and firewall, should now be recognized.

All steps are important. It should be straightforward, if you are using an admin account. You will probably have to ‘ok’ your way through a UAC warning message or two.

The above is pretty much the same procedure as DavidR posted in his first link, above, I think.

Rebuilding the repository fixes the Security Center. He said the security center is fine. The problem is when he ran a health report. So rebuilding the repository most likely will not work. Either way its nothing to worry about.

Ah. OK.

I honestly have never heard anybody running a health report.

Similar problems here.

Thank you Tarq57 for the great instructions. I have copied them and will save them for future reference.

Thank you Dieselman for your relevent post.

DavidR - I am attaching screenshot of my “Path” – which looks nothing like yours. It is so different I thought I’d better check before doing anything.

DavidR: I wonder if you could just let me know if I need to do anything about the fact that my Environmental Variables and Path boxes looked so different from yours?

They will look different as you have Vista and I have XP in my example images. The main thing is to check and see if the Path contains a reference for the wbem folder.

That’s what concerns me. It didn’t. When I click on Path and then Edit, what is shown in the box is ~1\DISKEE~1;C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX.

That isn’t all that is in that window, what you can see in the Path field of the first/top image shows other things that are in that Variable Value field. You should be able to position your cursor in that Variable Value edit box and scroll right or left to see the full contents of the field.

Ok, this is all of what is in the box:
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\9.0\DLLShared;C:\Program Files\Smart Projects\IsoBuster;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\PROGRA~1\DISKEE~1\DISKEE~1;C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX

It isn’t worded exactly the same; mine only shows \System32\Wbem – and not the fullC:\Windows\System32\Wbem

Unless I hear otherwise from you I am going to assume it is ok.

You are great to help me. I know others lose patience.