I noticed some behavior has changed after updating from Avast Home 4.8.1335 to 1351.
I’m using Vista Home Basic 32 bits.
I have a FAT32 partition, which includes a folder with old DOS free antivirus utilities. Those utilities are inside zip files.
I was using the search function of Vista over the FAT32 partition, including non-indexed files, and the search is configured to search also inside zip’s and cab’s.
I was searching files that are NOT related to the above mentioned DOS antivirus utilities, but for simplicity I selected the whole volume as the search location, with the name of the file I was looking for.
I have searched this partition before, just as described. While performing a simple search with Vista’s search utility, Avast 4.5.1335 was not popping about those utilities.
With previous versions, if I scanned the specific folder or the whole partition with an on-demand scan, Avast did advice me about finding those utilities as viruses. Obviously, since I know for sure that those files are valid antivirus utilities, I simply continued the scan.
Now, while performing a simple search with Vista’s search utility, the updated Avast 1351 detects those old DOS antivirus utilities as viruses. I haven’t seen this behavior until updating to version 1351.
What really concerns me right now is this:
Is Avast now checking/scanning each and every file that Windows Vista searches?
If the answer is affirmative, Does this mean that while performing a search with Vista’s search utility over all my HDD, Avast is scanning the whole HDD?
In this context, I’m referring to searching all fixed partitions including also non-indexed locations.
Has this behavior changed from version 1335 to 1351?
Of course, I may be wrong. I recognize that it is possible I changed some configuration in Vista’s search utility and that’s why Avast now pops about those utilities.
I would appreciate any useful comments. Thank you in advance.