Vista to XP large file copy

Avast! is on all my systems. I get a timeout when copying a 1G or larger file from Vista x64 Ultimate to XP Pro, with an error message of “The specified network name is no longer available”. I get no visual indication of significant disk activity on either machine. When I disable Avast! on the XP Pro target, the copy succeeds. This is consistent. When I copy from another XP Pro to the XP Pro target, that always succeeds. There is some issue with large file transfers, from Vista to XP (always works from XP to Vista), using the Windows API CopyFile.

Same problem here.

First with Vista → XP and now with Windows7->XP.


I updated both machines (Vista and XP) to 4.8.1368 today, and problem still exists.

I tested this morning, and this problem still exists. Can someone from avast! please acknowledge this and take a look at this problem. XP won’t disappear overnight (even though I’m sure MS would like that to happen…), so there is a valid reason to fix this.

I second this!

I cannot copy large files from Windows7 to XP Pro without disabling AVast.

With Avast 5.0: No improvement! :cry:

It sounds like Avast is attempting to map the entire source file into memory before it gets copied onto the destination system’s disk. This’ll work for almost any file under a 64-bit OS, but will fail for large files under a 32-bit OS. I’ve seen this kind of thing in other filesystem-related drivers.

No, that’s certainly not the case. The drivers don’t map the file at all (besides, they’re 64bit, aren’t they?), and the scanning engine uses only a small window.

The drivers on the XP (target) system aren’t 64 bit unless it’s XP x64 (a rarity).

and the scanning engine uses only a small window.

Good then.

I missed the part about the copy working from XP to XP. Curious.

Some more info would be useful, the problem doesn’t reproduce for me. For example:

  • what’s the copy target - a UNC name or a mapped drive?
  • CopyFile API was mentioned; are you sure that this API is used (i.e. you checked in your own project), or did you simply copy the file in Explorer or other file manager?
  • so, 1GB is the (approximate) minimum file size where you noticed the problem?
  • do you have UAC enabled on the source computer?
  • does the error appear immediatelly (right when the copy starts), or later during the copying? Is anything (a part of the file) transfered?
  • what is the account you’re logged on (administrator)? What are the access rights for the source/target folder? The machines are not in a domain I suppose?
  • when the error appears for a particular file, does it appear also for every retry (unless avast! is disabled) - or if you try a few times, it eventually “gets through”?

In my case:

Any update on this?

I still have this problem, I have to disable Avast for 10 mins. to be able to copy from Windows 7 to my XP system.

Hi all,
I had a similar problem, copying from xp to xp with avast on the target. Yesterday it was fixed… you might find this string helpful…

Hope it helps…