Vlk, vpsupd.exe for ver. 4.1 ..

Any news about releasing the 4.1-compatible version ? ???

Soon. ™ 8)

BTW: Isn’t it faster for you, as an ‘Internet freak’, to let the program download it incrementally (cca <80kb) rather than using this long (>1mb) program?

indeed, but just want the exe file as a backup… ;D

Minacross, probably next week as promised by Pavel… :wink:

He promised last week (on Sep12, http://www.avast.com/forum/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=1136), so this week is last week’s next week… :wink: ;D

minacross, be patient with Pavel and Vlk… version 4.1.260 is giving some “extra” work… :wink:

no problem at all … ;D ;D