Voice mail to desktop vbk files being stopped by avast

We have three workstations running Callpilot software that allows phone voice mail messages to be downloaded to Outlook Express and the file extensions for the voice mails are *.vbk. We have been running avast for 1.5 years and as of this morning, the messages are being blocked by avast on all workstations. We are running the latest edition of the ADNM and Managed Clients, and have the latest VPS. Here is the message from avast:

From: <avast! 4>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 3:43 PM
Subject: [avast! heuristic - WARNING]
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Suspicious extension(s) of attachment

  • Voice.vbk
    Content-Type doesn’t correspond with attachment’s extension
  • Voice.vbk - audio/X-Nortel-VBK



It’s always good to know how an user solves a problem… could be kept here as a troubleshooting guide or knowledge base :wink:

Here’s the answer:

(Actually, this change is made through the ADNM)
Task - Client Side Task - On-access scanning task - Default resident Task - Internet Mail - Heuristics:

Changed setting to Let It Be Delivered under Silent Mode.

Thanks for posting back :wink: