I would like to learn something from an experience I’ve had with Avast. Avast detected a virus on my system. The virus was put in the Chest, and subsequently deleted. While doing a Dantz Retrospect Backup I was alerted that the Volume was corrupt. I did a System Restore to a time prior to deletion, and Microsoft did a Scan Disk and seemed to have fixed the problem. However my system was locking up if it was left idle for any length of time. Luckily I was able to do a Disaster Recovery from the Dantz Backup.
My question is the following. Could deletion of a virus cause the Volume to become corrupt?
But the Restore was done prior to infection or not?
If not, you were infected again…
If you remember the name of the virus will be easy to answer the other question…
But, generally, it’s possible that a virus deletion was due to disk corruption.
I bet, on contrary, that the virus presence and infection was due to that corruption… :
Some viruses “wrap” themselves around system files and thus, when you isolate and delete the virus, you can actually remove infected system files as well.
Your actions were correct in this instance.
Please try to furnish more information on the virus especially any filename and path that Avast provides so that we can research the problem and its possible effects.
Welcome to the forum
I had a ton of directorys go corrupt, and it ended up causing the system to be unusable. I was easily able to fix this with the avast! BART CD
dld do you remember what was the name of the virus, exactly?
Thanks for the information. I will be more careful in the future before deleting a virus. I certainly will take all the information I can on the virus before doing so. Too late now; live and learn I guess.