For all users: no more complicated options! No more difficulties! Enjoy the full power of Avast!!!

( I’m joking, obvious ;D )


LOL :smiley: that s just my speed!!!

If you click on stop before you click on run, what does it stop ???


in this case, the first thing is TO CALL THE PSYCHOLOGIST!!! :smiley: ah ah ah ah…

It looks gross and the color is toooo loud. Need soft colors.
Nothing wrong with orange, but not a loud , bright orange. A light, soft orange would look so much better.

Hi, Jill.
My suggestion: run immediately at and scroll down: you’ll find the ultimate creation of Sasha the Great! ;D

The graphic here is only a joke, you know it.


Kamulko I like your design, it’s superb !!! ;D It would be really good to have something like that, especially for those like my father is… he doesn’t want to know anything, he just wants to press START and STOP ;D

START and STOP buttons are not centered ;D ;D ;D I coudln’t resist, hihihi… jokking…

  1. … i’m honoured to present the ULTIMATE, POWERFUL, UNIQUE program used for my great creation… the name is… (drums)… MICROSOFT PAINT!!!

Hi Kamulko,
Please, let Sasha make Avast! skins ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

My comment: if you start avast! you DO NOT NEED to stop it, so only START button is needed! ;D

Yes, you’re right… but there are some Avast! users who have children, cats, monkeys at home and maybe they can play with the screen because the brilliant colours of the skin!!! ;D

My fruit bat keeps pecking at the orange colour but I havn’t been able to teach him when to hit stop!! ;D

Dear Customer, ;D,

we have notice of this problem because many users have also bees and scorpions and snakes that scramble up on the writing desks in order to peck. Our suggestion: to put one beautiful orange beside the computer. ;D

My fruit bat killed my orange tree doesn’t like the lemons will have to try bannnnannnsa ;D

Disclaimer For the Spanish customers: please, you do not insist for having one skin red. The bulls could cause serious damages to your PC and to your houses. Ours society declines every responsability

Does that apply to Australian Customers?? :wink:

our company is very sorry for this damage. We have notices about some customers from South Pole and problems with penguins and white bears. can you try with a papaya bunch and write to our customer care office for a detailed report?
kamulko silly graphics-rome-italy

I’ll get right on that my detailed complaint will follow

yours truly graphically impaired

Kanga the Roo

Dear Customer,
thanks for your appreciation of our product. If you’re interested, next times you can download the BETA VERSION for AFRICANS users. ;D

I knew I was on a winner with Avast how diverse can you get man great!!

All our African Friends will be thrilled ;D