VPS update problem since the 9.0.2011 program update


Today I updated to the latest Avast update and everything seems fine except that before the update I had 131219-0 VPS and now I have 131217-0. I tried to update many times but it says something like Unknown Error - previous version: 131217-0, updated version: 131219-0. But then it still shows that I have the 131217-0 VPS (in the Update and when I hoover moust over the Avast baloon).

What to do? :slight_smile:

Thank you!

You could try a Repair and Reboot.
Then initiate a vps manual update. See if that clears it up. :slight_smile:

Today Avast updated the VPS to 131220-1 by itself so I think this si solved. Thank you anyway! :slight_smile: