vps update

I’ve had no vps update since 150417-0 although the ‘virus update history’ shows two since then, using the update button in the GUI makes no difference. Is this the same for others?

YES! there is a server problem maybe.No VPS till now. :o

Do recive stream updates?

Yes, streamed updates working fine.

Yes.But no Vps Updates.Very slow Stream Updates also.

Then you should be fully updated … if there is a problem avast should give a error message

But Vps updates? What about yours?@Pondus

i dont get that many on iPad …

VPS contain previous released stream updates

Oh Thanks.But Avast! should sloved this.https://www.avast.com/en-gb/virus-update-history.And very slow streaming updates.

No problem connecting to https://www.avast.com/virus-update-history, your link also includes text at the end of it that would make it fail.

You have 413 streaming updates in the last 24 hours and you think that is slow ?

same over here, it says the last update received was 150417-0 released on 4/17/2015 at 2:50:14 AM
Two updates were released since then, but it insists I’m up to date, whats going on?

If I’m reading right, I’ll eventually get those right?

Two updates were released since then, [b]but it insists I'm up to date[/b], whats going on?
do you recive stream updates?

the checkbox is checked yeah. does that mean I receive the definitions bit by bit rather than large chunks?

Stream info https://blog.avast.com/2013/09/16/seeking-perfection/#more-18228

Statistic https://www.avast.com/stats

So why does it still say “current version 150417-0”?

I don’t know if they would have been released or not if there wasn’t much in there, that would have been in the streaming updates.

See image extract of the last two VPS versions (all PUP detections, not necessarily malware) from the link I gave in Reply #9.

I was just a little concerned cause it seems like such a long time to go without a virus definition update

Since all versions of avast are run through a personal license given to you, the reality is that you do not own, or control, your copy of avast! This means that VPS updates and/or streaming updates are issued and controlled by avast!, and not by you.

Understanding this might take a moment or two for some to understand, as what the licence does is allow you to legally run a copy of avast on your phone or system. You do not own the program. Only avast! does. You get to use the program because avast! granted you the right to use it as a full-featured program via an unique licence they issued to you.

So, if a VPS does not come in as expected, the fault lies on some server or vps database issue on avast’s! end, not yours. Your program is fine unless it is displaying/issuing error messages. If you are not seeing any error messages, you are good to go and your program is working as it should.

Patience is key here. If you are getting streaming updates, you are protected with the latest definitions.

Guys, seriously …

Worst case scenario is you didn’t get 10 PUP ( Potentially Unwanted Program ) updates.
Best case scenario is you already got them with the Streaming Updates.

What are we talking about here …

Greetz, Red.

Pls Avast! Fix this issue quickly :slight_smile: