W8 Network Shield Issue

Just got W8 up on my new laptop. Had the BSOD issue with 7.0.1474 and did the patch which seems to have eliminated that issue.

I discovered last night that my network speed was hellish slow and determined it is the Avast Network Shield.

I have disabled it. I have been searching and reading the forum and see mention of this but no fix for it as yet.

Most of the threads either died in November or are polluted with multiple issues so I thought I would start this single thread dedicated to the W8 Network Shield throughput issue.


W8 Pro x64
Intel i7
Avast! 7.0.1474 patched to prevent BSOD

I discovered last night that my network speed was hellish slow and determined it is the Avast Network Shield.
can you give more info......how did you dicover this....

When I was accessing a website hosted on my internal network it would take 20-30 seconds for the page to load. Looking at the network traffic in IE Developer tools the whole time was in the get request of the page.

Then thought perhaps it was the virus scanner…disabled the whole thing and bingo… no more delay. Did some Goggling, found others reporting issue with the Network Shield on W8 so I re-enabled all shields except for Network Shield.

I have been having similar issues. I have spent the last 4 days troubleshooting the problem. The problem I am having is when I try to use Cobian backup 11 with a ftp upload. As long as I am transferring from the computer to an external drive things were fine. When I try to ftp to my nas or my online storage it times out on the files as if something is interfering. I disabled the avast service and ran my backup flawlessly. Avast is no help. I have been on the phone with them several times. They told me it was my computer and they needed 99.99 to fix it remotely. I tried it on another system and the same exact thing happened. ITS NOT MY COMPUTER. I called them again today. They finally admitted that it was a problem between my program and theres. They again wanted 99.99 to fix the problem. They said they would change some settings in my computer and their program remotely that would fix the issue. I wasn’t pleased with that answer so I started shutting down the shields one at a time. the network shield is the one causing the problem. As long as it is (and it only ) shut down. My backups work flawless. I too am using windows 8. AVAST NEED TO FIX THERE PROGRAMMING ISSUES AND NOT AT A COST TO THE CUSTOMER!!!

Hi and welcome. I can understand your stress. I’m not sure what your specific issue is but I wouldn’t pay anything to anybody on the phone.
I’m sure you will have better results if you provide as much relevant information as possible here on the forum and someone who has had similar experience will help. :slight_smile:

Thank You. I agree. I have narrowed it the network shield. My nas can transfer a 91.5gb backup in less than an hour with no errors without the shield and times out with it. The unfortunate thing is the network shield does not come with expert settings so there is not a way to tweak it to work with my programs better. I am using windows 8 with Avast internet security 7

I am wondering how many people have the problem… but just don’t realize it… my guess is probably a lot.

I’ve got similar issues with internet connection lagging as I reported in a different post. I’m on W8 64bit with AIS unpatched (no bsod on my machine). I fixed the multiple NDIS entries bug several weeks ago but I’ve noticed a sensible delay opening resources from the web (for example a web page loading under firefox). The problem was fixed for a while just after a new installation but after a few days it’s here again. I disabled the network shield to see the issue fixed :smiley:
Now it’s a bit more clear that the issue is releated to the network shield for me. In a precedent post I supposed it could be the firewall module but now the scenario it’s more clear.

I wanted to post back that I just upgraded to the new avast! 8 and the Network issue on W8 appears to be gone in this release… :slight_smile: