wanews15.net - yahoo email infiltrated, spam sent to entire contact list


My parents recently received an email “re:” saying:

wow this is amazing look into this wanews15.net/biz/?employment=#######

Not sure if one of them clicked the link or not, but now every person on their yahoo contact list received that email from them. What’s different about this spammer, is that the mails were sent from within their actual yahoo account. They appear in the “sent” messages.

(I took out the numbers and put # instead so that it doesn’t resend it… if it does that every time someone clicks the exact number, also removed http://www. so it’s not clickable here (thanks Pondus))

Not sure if it happened after they clicked on the link if they did or if it was from somewhere else.

I told them to disconnect their computer from the internet and went in and changed their password for yahoo and posted on here. Anything else I should do?


edit the link…remove http/www so it is not clickable

Zulu URL Risk Analyzer


did changing the password stop it…nothing in sendt messages?
do those on contact list still recive spam, that seems to come from your parents ?..if so i guess they harvested the contact list

also report the mail as spam using the spam button in yahoo so the filter is updated before you delete it

Happened about two and a half hours ago and there was only one send iteration before I changed the password, so I’m not sure yet. Thank you.

and create good password :wink:


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I received this email too!
what should i do?