Wanna go back to old google chrome outlay and and keep www & https:// settings?

Info credits @lekozz on tweakers.net:

"For guys that do not like the new google chrome browser design: Set “chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md” to “normal” and that will bring you back to the old design, but still having the latestt version.

Now chrome as a standard omits both www and https://. You do not like that? Set "chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-subdomains"to “disabled”. (give in all without “” of course).


Seems like a lot of work for something that really isn’t needed.
The current link to this topic looks like this:

If you really needed the full link, simply highlight the link and copy it. once copied,
this is what you get: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?action=post;quote=1475202;topic=221693.0
In most cases, you really don’t need to see all the links properties. :slight_smile:

Hi bob3160,

But read here why Google wants to get rid of the uri, but does not really know what to trade it for.

Will this all mean more security through obscurity? Read:

They hope that obscuring the uri will keep malcreants, that exploit uri’s, at bay, and others will no longer feel alarmed,
but it is Google’s very mono-culture, ubiquity and complexity that sets it out as an ideal target for malcreants.
That’s the real eliphant in the room, no one likes to see or discuss.

See the example given here: This is how a Chrome 57 displays https://www.аррӏе.com/.
Note the https://www.apple.com in the address bar.

Hey there! This site is obviously not affiliated with Apple, but rather a demonstration of a flaw in the way unicode domains are handled in browsers. It is very possible that your browser isn't affected.

Test it out inside the new Google Chrome version “without www and https:/// and http:/// in the search bar”.

From Google we do not hear a word for what they plan with uri’s for the future, deafening silence there.
In the mean time check with this tool to have a grip on the dangers: https://www.duplichecker.com/url-rewriting-tool.php

polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold reconnaissance website security analyst and website error-hunter)

Re: Phishing attempt!
This page is part of a phishing attempt

Web page:

Detected by Bitdefender’s TrafficLight → https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/8d195a6b7dd486715c60613f7ab1832e288d4e5f516cd4e02f6a626afa27f724/detection

See test results of this scan: https://www.htmlyse.com/htmlyse/xn--80ak6aa92e.com for this IDN Homograph Example
See warning errors and accessibility - SWEAT32 and LUCKY13 vulnerable!
