Want to disable scanning of Zip files being downloaded

First post, and I’m totally new to Avast.

Vista Home Premium. Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop. Encountering issue with Large Zipfiles only (+1.6Gb & larger).
Small Zip files don’t have this issue, only Large ones do. I am running the 3Gb memory switch in Vista Home Premium.
After download, during extract I’m getting CRC errors. Tests are long & Painful due to the size of files.
It appears (last three tests) that disabling Avast prevents this from happening… but I’m still testing…
(Already updated drivers on Wired & Wireless Networking, and SATA drive), checked event viewer and tested hard drive)…
Is there a way of telling Avast not to scan downloaded files of certain types?

Thanks for your patience on this.

Are you downloading the ZIP files from web (using a web browser, I mean)?
If yes, you can configure the Web Shield provider accordingly - leftclick avast! tray icon to open the on-access scanner console, expand to detailed view, select WebShield and click Configure.
You can set the exceptions on the 3rd page - either in the form of MIME types, or URLs; I guess URL in the form “*.zip” would do.

On the other hand, I don’t think there’s any reason avast! should interfere with the download process this way…

It will “interfere” if the user is trying to download cracks…but none of us would ever do that. :o
Most cracks are zipped now, but Avast is very good at finding them.

Could be, but the “interference” would be in the form of a virus warning - not just silently corrupting the downloaded file…