Was this original domain being parked or taken down?

See: http://maldb.com/xuying.com/https://www.virustotal.com/nl/url/d20fcfaa3bb16f895fd51fc46151ba27dc9660a679093a28237bbb3e6bb4d0b5/analysis/1392940415/
http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=9557683 → 访问本页面,您的浏览器需要支持JavaScript
see function decoder script decoder: http://jsunpack.jeek.org/?report=d814a2ba73999ae4da5680a08da31b4cb6c3de34
Adobe Action Script for meta-data - site moderate threat level 1 China - ITAR last seen 6 days ago.

Conclusion a reconditional redirect from the original site to htxp://www.zxtk.com/?domain=xuying.com&from=domaincn
found with 39 sites! kraken virus tracker qualifies as wXw.zxtk.com,,Criminals,
where the term Criminals denotes nothing more or less than active malcode that is up (pol).
